View Full Version : WWE's R-Truth Tells DX About Tribute To The Troops

12-22-2008, 02:44 PM
Tonight at 9pm EST, NBC will air WWE's sixth annual Tribute To The Troops special. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and various celebrities and wrestlers traveled to Iraq to honor those serving in the war.

Late this week, HipHopDX spoke to Hip Hop fan and WWE wrestler R-Truth about the significance and tradition of the event. "It’s something that if you’ve never experienced, it is something that needs to be experienced. It’s awesome, it’s compelling – something that you could hardly explain. The troops are there, and they are so pumped up, so day to day visiting the hospital, going from the different camps, seeing the smiles and excitement and interviews, and they were very excited to see us come there. It’s just a love that was given both ways, from us to them and also from them back to us."

The wrestler added that he traveled with nearly 30 of his colleagues to honor America's dedicated troops.

R-Truth said that the experience touched him deeply, "Those guys over there are putting their life on the line for us. To me, it’s like entering WrestleMania in Iraq. It’s inexpressible. I know a lot of guys there that came from my hometown; they have been stationed there for years, from North Carolina. People from other places too…And just to have someone come there - a lot of wrestling fans too – but just to have someone come there and to perform, give them a show, they’re very appreciative of that."

The tribute will air this evening on NBC.

Source: HipHopDX