View Full Version : WWE Diva Comments on Retirement Rumors

12-22-2008, 03:10 PM
WWE Diva Victoria posted the following on her MySpace:

Monday, December 22, 2008
Retirement Rumors

Happy Ho Ho Ho-lidays Myspacers !

This will be my last blog before the holidays. So I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, or a Happy Hannukah, or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate this time of year. Now more than ever, I appreciate the meaning of the season. It's not about what gifts you get. It's about spending quality time with those who are important to you. I intend to do that.

I try not to respond to internet rumors, but I have received hundreds of emails through both myspace and through www.black-widow-customs.com asking me if I am going to retire. I never said that I am, although sooner or later we all will. And I don't believe that "unnamed talent" is saying that about me either. On the other hand, I never said that my retirement is not imminent. I do appreciate everyone's support. I try to be open about my life in my blogs. But I would never comment about anything, either to confirm or deny, that may come up in future WWE shows. I'm not the kind of person who wants to know the end of a movie before I see it. And I don't want to ruin anyone's future enjoyment of WWE product.

I am in Louisville tonight. The wind chill is 6 degrees below zero. Not a big fan. Not a big fan at all. Of course much of the country is dealing with horrible weather. I know it's only the third week of December, but I'm already thinking Spring.

I have put in an application to adopt a dog from a shelter. I am so excited. If I get her, I'll definitely post pics. I know, I'm gonna be the "Crazy Old Dog Lady". I guess right now, I'm just the Crazy Young Dog Lady...

Later Holiday Taters, Lisa Marie aka Victoria