View Full Version : ODB Speaks - Highlights Inside

12-23-2008, 01:23 AM
The Miami Herald has an interview online today with TNA's ODB. She begins the interview in character but also talks about being trained by Eddie Sharkey in Minneapolis and breaking into the business. Below are highlights:

On being trained by Eddie Sharkey:
"I used to beat up my older brother a lot in front of his girlfriends to start it all, but I got trained by Eddie Sharkey in Minneapolis, and that really started it all. Before I went there, I was watching it on TV, and then it just clicked."

What her family thinks of her being a pro wrestler:
"They love it. They're my biggest supporters. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be here. They supported me throughout the years, and it was some rough years. I'd pack my bags and move to further my career, and I did that a bunch of times."

On being on the road:
"It's only been a year now since I've been on TV, and I want to be more busy. I love being on the road, but people don't realize, though, to get here what it takes."

How she thought TNA wouldn't keep her around:
"At first, I don't think [TNA] was going to keep me around. They were starting a women's division, but I think they had no idea who they were going to keep. I think they were surprised [at the crowd reaction] for me. I was surprised too."

On training in OVW with Al Snow:
"I trained with Al Snow and Danny Davis in OVW. That's when ODB came out of her shell more because they were like, 'Do your thing girl. Be yourself. That's what sells tickets."

Her tattoos:
"They all have meaning. Actually, I covered up a few of them. This one has my last name, and then there's me in a martini glass, drinking and smoking something. It kind of inspired me when I first got signed by TNA. I wanted to do a nice little tattoo to remember when I got signed. This one is a dead beauty queen. I'm not a beauty queen, and I don't want to be one."

You can read the full three-page interview at this link ( http://www.miamiherald.com/675/story/822422.html).

12-23-2008, 07:49 AM
thanks for this Eel