View Full Version : Jim Ross Discusses WWE Going PG, Joanie Lauer, SI vs. Foley, More

12-29-2008, 01:41 PM
Jim Ross Discusses WWE Going PG, Joanie Lauer, SI vs. Foley, More
Posted by Larry Csonka on 12.29.2008

Monday blogging from JR!

- Jim Ross has another blog entry up on his website, here are some of highlights:

On the Attitude Era : Did I enjoy the "attitude era" of wrestling? Absolutely. I also enjoyed the Oklahoma Sooners of Coach Barry Switzer running the wishbone offense but that's not the offensive philosophy of Coach Bob Stoops' Sooners these days. But I still love my team. Point being is that I am a wrestling fan and we as wrestling fans will always have our favorite eras. Was the "Attitude Era" my favorite period of all time in wrestling? Probably not, but I still liked it as I have written. But now we've moved on.

On WWE moving to a "PG" product: PG rated wrestling shows.....that 's what the WWE is offering and that's what my primary area of concern is because that who employs me and pays me. I personally like the PG ratings for many reasons. Selfishly, now my daughter will allow her 5 and 3 year old daughters to watch their grandpa on Friday nights because the program content isn't as edgy and doesn't have to be constantly monitored or at least monitored as closely.

On Joanie "Chyna" Lauer's recent troubles: Really sad to hear about Joanie "Chyna" Lauer's recent troubles. I am thankful she is alive after apparently overdosing on her birthday. I truly hope Joanie gets more professional help, the WWE is an option for her, with whatever issues she has and find true happiness in her life. I'm not sure that her kind of happiness is going to be found in Tinseltown. Joanie was always so health conscious when she was on the WWE roster and the reports about her issues the past several years have been personally troubling to me. She had many challenges in her life LONG before she arrived in the WWE which I honestly feel are at the root of her problems today. Nonetheless, I am no Dr. Phil but I do hope that Joanie gets better and finds a vocation that is personally rewarding to her.

On SI vs. Foley: Sports Illustrated...I have subscribed to S.I. longer than I am sure many of you have been alive...I am not planning on canceling my subscription either but S.I. was in the wrong when they inferred that Mick Foley was a role model for the Mickey Rourke character in the film "The Wrestler." I am not "damning" S.I. but the writer simply did not do his home work and unfortunately some readers will accept his account of watching the film with Foley as factual. The writer was wrong and will hopefully address his errors but I'm not holding my breath.

- You can check out the complete blog entry here.

411 mania

12-29-2008, 03:31 PM
Thankyou for the news.

12-29-2008, 10:59 PM
Posted Already: