View Full Version : Raw Dec 29th 2008 Results

12-30-2008, 05:10 AM
I was gonna do it live myself same room so why not but anyway here goes.

- The following matches are scheduled for tonight's edition of WWE Monday Night Raw.

* Winner Faces John Cena at the Royal Rumble for the World Title: Shawn Michaels vs. JBL vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho

* Race to the Rumble Diva's Battle Royal - Winner faces Beth Phoenix for the WWE Women's Title at the Royal Rumble: Candice Michelle vs. Jillian Hall vs. Mickie James vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Kelly Kelly vs. Melina

-Live from Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH

-Hosted by Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

-We start with Rey Mysterio in the ring for a promo. He brings up his match last week with JBL and says he was one 619 away from defeating JBL and moving on to tonights fatal four way. He brings up that one person took that way from him. A recap of the match is shown. Rey says he respects Shawn Michaels very much, and he understands him falling on hard times. Rey states now they have a problem, and asks Shawn to come to the ring. Shawn obliges, and Rey tells him he knows that despite his affiliation with JBL he knows he's a good person. Rey says he's not here to ask for Shawn's spot in the race for the rumble match, but rather he wants a match with Shawn tonight for a spot in the fatal four way later tonight. Rey states all he is asking is for Shawn to do the right thing. Shawn accepts the challenge, and Rey thanks him. That brings out JBL who says Shawn's answer is no. JBL states that any decision about Shawn Michaels goes through him. He states the only match that Shawn will be competing in tonight will be the fatal four way. JBL tells Shawn that he would appreciate it if he would leave the ring. Shawn begrudgingly leaves. Rey pleads with Shawn but gets attacked from behind by Mike Knox. Shawn wants to assist, but JBL will not allow it. Knox tries to finish off Rey, but John Cena is out to make the save sending Knox to the floor with a clothesline. Knox retreats back through the crowd.

-Randy Orton is in the back with Manu, Cody Rhodes, and Sim Snuka. Orton says it will be bigger than the Horsemen, DX, and Evolution. Orton states that he will not accept losing. For that reason they all have singles matches tonight and if they win they complete phase one. If they lose, they're out. He informs Cody that he's up.

Cody Rhodes vs. CM Punk
Before the action can get underway William Regal and Layla come to the ring to get a closer look at things. Its announced that next week will be the Intercontinental Championship Match between Punk and Regal. Rhodes goes for a quick rollup that only gets one. Cody hits a drop toehold and another rollup for a two count. Punk is back up quickly and grabs a side headlock. A snap mare and a kick sets up two. Rhodes again tries a rollup for two. Punk comes right back with a dropkick for a two count. Cody blocks a DDT sending punk to the mat. He tries several pin attempts to no avail. Cody hits a slam and then drops a knee for a two count. Rhodes puts a full nelson on Punk, but Punk quickly fights off and kicks Rhodes to the mat. Punk hits a crossbody off the top but Rhodes rolls through for a two count. Cody charges at Punk but gets backdropped to the apron then kicked to the floor. Suicide dive from Punk sends Rhodes into the announce table. They continue to brawl on the floor as Punk hits a high knee against the steps. Punk gets into an argument with Regal on the floor allowing Rhodes to slide in to beat the count and take the count out victory. After the match Punk takes out his frustration with a bulldog to Cody, but then gets a high knee from Regal to take him out.
Winner: Cody Rhodes (Count Out *3/4)

-Cena is in the back with Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie has ordered Cena to do commentary. Cena does a monotone sarcastic commentary on how excited he is to be the commentary and then informs Stephanie that him on commentary would be lame. He then goes into a pretty horrible Harry Caray impression, and again says him as commentator would be lame. "About as lame as having Mike Adamle as GM of RAW." Ooh burn. He says its the final show of 2008 and we need to do something crazy. Cena asks if she thinks people really want to hear him on commentary or if they'd rather have him in a match with Mike Knox, Rey Mysterio, and whoever else she wants to throw in there. At least thats what I think he wanted. Very odd promo, but awkwardly funny.

-Goldust is here with a Christmas poem. Several one liners including Edge is a sicky, all he wants is nude pictures of Vickie, and Cody wanted a bike, boy was he mad, when I gave it to dad. Those are paraphrased. Good stuff. The point was apparently him calling out Santino to set up that potential feud.

-They officially announce Batista injuries. Same kayfabed story we got from wwe.com earlier in the week. They then show a video package of Batista's surgery.

Six Diva Battle Royal: Kelly Kelly vs. Melina vs. Mickie James vs. Candice Michelle vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Jillian Hall
We come back with Santino introducing Beth Phoenix as Glamerella will be watching the action from ringside. Winner gets a shot at the Women's Title at Royal Rumble. Rosa Mendez is at ringside again. Candice is quickly tossed by Katie and then her and Jillian team up for a double clothesline on Vickie. Kelly hits a hurracanrana on Jillian. Jillian is up and quickly tosses Kelly. Facebuster to Melina from Melina. Katie and Jillian team up to try toss Melina, but Mickie comes from behind to toss both the heel divas leaving just her and Melina. Shoulderblock from Melina sends Mickie to the mat. Counter sequence sees Mickie backdropped to the apron. Mickie tries to fight her way back in but Melina kicks her to the floor to win the shortest battle royal in recorded history. After the match Beth attacks but Melina fights back quickly. Melina has Beth pinned against the announce table. Finally Rosa Mendez takes the next step in this angle by jumping the rail and attacking Melina. Security drags her off. Announcers play it off like a shoot by acting shocked and not talking.
Winner: Melina (Eliminates Mickie James 1/2*)

-Todd Grisham is in the back with Chris Jericho. Jericho says according to the WWE Magazine he's been named Jerk of the Year in addition to Superstar of the Year. He asks what qualifies as a jerk. Someone who tells the truth? He goes through his list of accomplishments from 2008, and then states he will win tonight and become World Champion again. He tells the fans if they want to see a jerk, they should look in the mirror.

Sim Snuka vs. "Superhaas" Charlie Snuka
Sim is not amused at Charlie's impression of his father quickly attacking from behind. Charlie fights back but Sim hits a face plant. Sim drives Charlie to the mat face first for a two count and chokes him out on the second rope. Charlie sends Sim into the ropes but a high knee from Sim puts Charlie down for two. Sim goes to a chinlock. Charlie fights out of that but runs into a back elbow from Sim. Snap mare from Sim is followed by a knee drop. Modified arm bar by Sim is locked in. Charlie fights up and rams Sim into the turnbuckle. Charlie hits a pair of leapfrogs and a backhand chop. Charlie comes off with a headbutt and then hits a back breaker. That sends Charlie to the top rope, but not before he puts his wig back on. Superfly splash fails to connect as he hits the knees of Sim. A jumping spin kick to the head finishes for Sim.
Winner: Sim Snuka (Pinfall-Spin Kick 1/4*)

-Cena and Mysterio are on their way to the ring as a 10 man tag has been made and its next.

John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, & Cryme Tyme vs. Kane, John Morrison, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, & Mike Knox
I must say, the heel side is the oddest pairing of five guys I've ever seen. JTG starts the match with Ziggler. Ziggler asks for a handshake but gets nothing. Legdrop gets two for JTG and he tags Shad in. Shad drives Ziggler into the ropes, but misses a charge. That allows Ziggler to tag in Morrison. Morrison is met quickly with a clothesline from Shad. Quick tag to Kofi and he hits a monkeyflip, dropkick, and clothesline on Morrison. The heels start to attack from behind, but the faces are quick to head them off. Big staredown from the teams as we go to break. Back from break and Miz has control of Kofi in a chinlock. Kofi fights out and goes for a tag, but gets taken down by his hair. Hurracanrana by Kofi allows him to tag in Rey. Hurracanrana by Rey sends Miz into the corner. Miz reverse a whip but a charge attempt runs him into Mysterio's boot. Mysterio comes off the top with a hurracanrana and gets a shot into Knox. Kick to the back of the head gets two. Rey goes for another hurracanrana but this time gets caught and Miz carries him into an uppercut from Kane. Miz tags Kane who delivers a backbreaker to Mysterio. Kane tags in Knox who comes in with a knee drop and drives the knee into Rey's head. Corner avalanche from Knox connects and that allows a tag to Ziggler. Ziggler hits some kicks to the head of Mysterio and hits a chinlock. Cole mentions that Ziggler is undefeated on Raw. I guess his debut with Batista was an exhibition or something? Rey fights out of the chinlock but runs into a clothesline. Ziggler drags Rey back to the heel corner and tags in Morrison. He pounds away at Rey before picking him up for a European upper cut. Morrison places Rey up on the top turnbuckle. He tries for a suplex but Rey fights it off and hits an awesome looking reverse hurracanrana. Morrison makes the tag to Knox, but Rey tags in Cena. Cena is in with a host of shoulder blocks. Cryme Tyme chases Miz and Morrison to the floor. Kane is in to try a chokeslam, but Kofi comes of the top with a dropkick sending him to the floor. Cena hits a proto plex to Knox and Ziggler. Cena hits the five knuckle shuffle on Knox while Kofi hits the double legdrop to Ziggler. Trouble in paradise sends Ziggler to the floor while Knox is put down with an FU. That looks to finish, but Rey wants a shot. Cena tags in Mysterio who hits his top rope splash to pick up the victory for the face team.
John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston, & Cryme Tyme (Mysterio pins Knox-Diving Splash ***1/4)

-Todd Grisham is with Shawn Michaels. He asks Shawn about the match tonight and his relationship with JBL. Shawn says he's Mr. Wrestlemania, and when it comes to Wrestlemania he's concerned with only one thing, and thats stealing the show. What that has to do with a match on RAW to get a title shot at Royal Rumble I'm not sure, but it sounded good.

-Kelly Kelly reveals Randy Orton as her lover. She says she protected him from Kane and he won't even return her calls. Randy says it was just one night and it wasn't even that memorable. He calls her pathetic and says he doesn't need a distraction like her. Ouch!

Manu vs. Matt Hardy
Jerry Lawler calls Matt "Smackdown's Matt Hardy." He does correct himself thankfully. Manu gets a headlock and shoulderblock to get a one count. Clothesline gets a one count for Manu, and he follows that up with a bodyslam for two. Matt fights back with the fists and backdrops Manu to the floor. Baseball slide connects for Hardy as he goes out and fires Manu back inside. A pair of elbowdrops gets a two count for Matt. Neckbreaker picks up a two count for Matt. Manu comes back with a thrust to the throat and a stun gun for a two count. Headbutt from Manu sets up a diving version for a two count. Half Nelson sleeper is locked in by Manu. He lets go of that to deliver a headbutt to the back for a two count. Bodyslam from Manu sets up a second rope moonsault attempt, but Matt moves out of the way. Matt fires back with a clothesline and a forearm picking up a two count. Manu walks into a side effect from Matt picking up another two. Second side effect attempt is blocked into a rollup attempt by Manu getting two. Matt goes for the twist of fate but Manu blocks that. Matt comes off the second rope with an axehandle but Manu blocks and thrusts Matt to the throat. Swinging neckbreaker gets a two count. Manu charges at Matt but runs into a drop toehold into the second rope. Matt tries for a bulldog but gets pushed off. A dropkick from Manu gets a two count. Matt gets whipped into the turnbuckles and takes a pair of avalanches from Manu. Manu tries for the Samoan drop but Matt counters into a twist of fate to pick up the pin and the victory.
Winner: Matt Hardy (Pinfall-Twist of Fate **)

Race to the Rumble Fatal Four Way Elimination Match: Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
This is the tag format elimination match. Two men start with the other two on the apron. Michaels and Jericho start. Rollup and backslide by Shawn both get two. Shawn hits a pair of armdrags sending Jericho to the floor as we go to break. Back from break and Orton and Jericho are now legal. Orton grabs a headlock and then hits a shoulderblock. Orton comes off the ropes and runs into a Jericho dropkick. Jericho pounds away in the corner and tries for an Irish whip which is reversed. Orton tries a charge, but runs into to Jericho's boot. Jericho comes out of the corner into a powerslam from Orton which gets two. Jericho takes out Orton's legs and goes for the Walls of Jericho, but the attempt is blocked by Orton. Orton goes to the apron, which allows Jericho to springboard off the second rope with a dropkick sending Orton to the floor. Jericho tries to suplex Orton back in, but its countered and Orton hits a clothesline. Orton tags in Shawn who meets Jericho with a pair of chops. Jericho whips Shawn out of the corner into the buckle allowing Jericho to take control. Jericho sets Shawn up on the second rope for a superplex. Shawn fights that off with a headbutt sending Jericho crashing to the mat. Shawn comes off the top with his elbow drop. Shawn tunes up the band but JBL tags in blindly. He goes for the clothesline from hell but Jericho counters into a codebreaker. Jericho goes for the cover, but Shawn breaks it up. Shawn makes the tag to JBL which Jericho doesn't see as he sets up for the Walls of Jericho. That allows Shawn to deliver Sweet Chin Music eliminating Jericho. Orton slides into the ring as we go to another break.

Back from break and JBL is in with Orton. JBL locks in a sleeper hold on Orton. Orton is able to counter out with a suplex. He runs into a big boot from JBL which is followed up with an elbow drop which gets two. Loud "RKO" chant from the crowd. JBL continues to pound away at Orton in the corner. Short clothesline from JBL gets a two count. JBL stomps away at Orton's fingers, and delivers a series of right hands. JBL asks for the referee to count Orton out, but he instead picks Orton up and whips into the corner. A charge attempt runs into Orton's boot. Orton comes back with a series of fists, but JBL is right back with a shoulderblock out of the corner. That picks up two for JBL. JBL comes off the ropes but runs into an Orton dropkick which is followed with the Orton stomp. Orton sets up for the punt, but JBL tags out to Shawn just in time. Shawn hits a chop but runs into a neckbreaker from Orton. Knee drop for Orton picks up two. Orton continues to methodically stomp away at Shawn. Orton then sets up for the RKO, but Shawn is able to counter by throwing him off. They trade blows in the center with Shawn eventually getting the better of the exchange. Flying forearm from Shawn connects. Nip up and inverted atomic drop sets up Orton for Shawn's elbow drop. Shawn then tunes up the band, and this time does it in the corner away from JBL. Sweet Chin Music connects and Orton is eliminated. JBL and Shawn stare down and JBL points at Shawn to lay down. Shawn is conflicted and nearly in tears, and asks JBL to not make him do this. JBL will have none of it though and Shawn starts to oblige, but comes back up. They argue some more and finally Shawn lays down, but again he's back up. Shawn yells at JBL to do it. JBL delivers a brutal clothesline from hell to pick up the victory. That sets up JBL and John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship at Royal Rumble. Shawn sits in the ring in tears as JBL looks on smugly from the top of the ramp, as we fade out for the final time in 2008.
Winner: John "Bradshaw" Layfield (Pins Shawn Michaels-Clothesline from Hell **1/2)

Credit 411 mania and me.