View Full Version : Chef lived in freezer

01-06-2009, 10:12 PM
Immigration officials who raided a Chinese restaurant in North Wales found the chef living in its freezer.

During a crackdown on illegal immigration, officers raided two restaurants in Llandudno, north Wales.

In one, they found the chef, who was from China and who had overstayed his visa, reports the Daily Telegraph.

They were taken downstairs to his living quarters and found he had removed the freezer's door and laid out a bed in it. His suitcase, passport and visa documents were found next to it.

He was arrested, sent to London and deported back to China within 72 hours. His employer has been served with a Notice of Potential Liability and could face a £10,000 fine.

Richard Johnson, senior immigration officer with the UK Border and Immigration Agency, said: "As well as the freezer case, we have also had cases where five people have been found living in a bathroom and another where three people were found sleeping in a kitchen larder surrounded by meat and vegetables.

"The workers we find working illegally do not pay tax or national insurance and society gets nothing from them, and they have no protection from exploitation."


01-08-2009, 08:10 AM
thanks for the post Eel