View Full Version : Update On Bam Neely's Firing

01-10-2009, 03:34 PM
As reported this afternoon, WWE released Bam Neely (Justin LaRouche). He was recently sent back down to WWE's developmental promotion as the company did not have a spot for him on the main roster. There was some heat on Neely after he missed catching Evan Bourne in a high spot several weeks ago on an episode of ECW. Bourne landed on his right ankle and dislocated it as a result. From that injury, Bourne also suffered a torn deltoid ligament. Neely had been with the company for quite some time, which included a stint as Ohio Valley Wrestling Southern Tag Team champion with Charles "The Hammer" Evans (who was also let go this past August). He was brought up to the main roster last spring as the bodyguard of Chavo Guerrero and given the name "Bam Neely" name as a takeoff of NHL star Cam Neely.

Source: WNZ

I liked Bam Neely:(

01-10-2009, 04:29 PM
no big loss here. Without Chavo, the guy had no personallity.