View Full Version : Vince Concerned With Obama's Presidency

01-20-2009, 01:20 AM
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that one of the main causes of the recent string of WWE firings may have been that Vince McMahon does not support the election of Barack Obama and feels that the economy will take a turn for the worse once he assumes office. Although the current state of the economy hasn't effected WWE all that badly thus far, McMahon is taking what he deems to be precautions in the event that his company is negatively impacted financially.

I totally agree with Vince, Obama will ruin the economy even more.

01-20-2009, 01:28 AM
If the economy continues to fall, I'll blame Bush. He put the country in a hell-hole and if Obama doesn't fix everything he'll be given shit because he couldn't fix what W broke.

01-20-2009, 06:30 AM
yes I'm sure thats it. Vinny Mac hates black people and is sure that the economy will fail under "one of those people". It has nothing to do with the economy being in the toilet and countless companies filing for bankruptcy every week or the fact that the WWE has an annual firing spree every single year.

01-20-2009, 03:04 PM
haha wow vince

i guess its safe to say that vince is republican

and to be honest the economy cant get much worse than it is

obviously it can but more than likely it wont

considering its the worst its been since the great depression

01-20-2009, 04:17 PM
pfft...The economy is the worse it's been in YEARS..and it's Bush's fault. It can't get any worse imo so I don't know wtf Vince is worried about. Everybody that's expecting a miracle turnaround from Obama needs to wake up. Even if he gets the full 8 years in office he wont be able to get us out of debt unfortunately. Becasue of the whole Bush has put us in, it's gonna take alot longer then 8 years to get us out, at least Obama is a step in the right direction.