View Full Version : Jim Ross Says Too Much Is Being Made About Who Presents Who & More

01-20-2009, 01:34 AM
Jim Ross has posted a new blog on his official website. Below are highlights:

- Way too much is being made about who presents who in the WWE Hall of Fame. I think some fans are losing sight that the Hall of Fame is about those that are being inducted and not those that are presenting them. For example, this is Steve Austin's well earned and deserved night in Houston on April 4 and not the presenter's. This goes for any one who is presenting a Hall of Fame inductee. Good grief, does it really matter who does a 2 minute or so intro as long as it is the person the inductee wants to represent them? Let's stop the pain, as Michael Cole would say.

- I receive many questions from Natalya fans asking about her future. I don't have a crystal ball but I feel that Natalya hasn't scratched the surface of her potential in the WWE and her best days are yet to come. She is fundamentally sound and has a great gift of gab which is a good thing for a talent in wrestling today. I could see her being the Diva or WWE Womens Champion very easily in the future. She's one of my favorites so I hope that I'm not jinxing her.

- "The World's Angriest Announcer" signs have been popping up at Smackdown TV tapings which I quickly point out to my partner who is indeed the angriest man in the world, Tazz. Thanks for having some fun with this and thanks as well for the JR's BBQ signs. Hey, a man has to build a business and prepare for the future, right? Brother needs some help!

- Several questions this past week regarding Rick Rude for some reason. The Minnesota native was one of the legit tough guys in the biz and was underrated as a protagonist in the wrestling business. Perhaps one of the most underrated bad guys in the business in recent memory. Rick had great, natural timing and believability. The injury bug bit him at a truly inopportune time. Rick also apparently had drug issues perhaps as a result of his injuries. Rick was a guy from the old school of wrestling who really never fully trusted anyone or so it seemed and always was cautious of people. I always got a long with him well but one could tell that Rude was never going to really trust any one who worked in a wrestling office. Perhaps he had good reason but it never affected the way we personally interacted. Most fans might never appreciate just how good Ravishing Rick Rude truly was but Rick going back to WCW seemed to not work for him but I could be wrong on that one.

- Will the WWE ever do a Reality TV Show has been asked here recently also. I have no idea is the answer. However, if the WWE could manage and vet the production of such a show I could theoretically see it happening as it give the brand more exposure and might help embellish existing stars or create new stars. I know of nothing on the "drawing board" but reality TV is cheap to produce and seems to be the current trend on many TV networks.

You can read the full blog at this link ( http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/qas-updatedtoo-much-being-made-about-who-presents-who-wwe-hofmore-random-thoughts).

01-20-2009, 07:52 AM
thanks for the read Eel