View Full Version : Big Rumor On WrestleMania 25 Plans Inside Here

01-20-2009, 11:15 PM
WWE has already started the creative process of the return of Christian. The plan as of two weeks ago was for Jeff Hardy to lose the title and then it would be revealed that Christian was the "mystery person" who attacked Jeff the morning of Survivor Series. This person would also be the person who was the driver of the hit-and-run. It would make sense for Christian to do a run-in at the Rumble, possibly under a mask?

Triple H vs. Edge and Jeff Hardy vs. Christian is the current plan for WrestleMania 25. The plans as of two weeks ago called for Jeff to get a chance to win back his title at WrestleMania at possibly the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out against Edge, but will pass on the title shot for a grudge match against Christian. There has been no confirmation of Christian signing with WWE, but the belief from people within TNA and WWE is that he will return to the company. We'll keep you posted but those were the original plans and were still in the works as of last week.

01-20-2009, 11:27 PM
To be honest I think it would be pathetic to end Hardy's title run so early.

How about Christian return but not really totally be confirmed as the mystery person who did that. Throw in Matt Hardy as another suspect, while strange things happen to Edge throughout weeks, then there's weeks of tension boiling up and a 4 man brawl with Jeff, Matt, Edge and Christian... making a perfect fatal 4 way match for WM25.

And then either Christian or Matt wins the gold at WM25 with one of them totally screwing Jeff and having it end up that Matt and Christian were in cahoots on both Edge and Jeff and you have a perfect gimmick tag match for Backlash with heel Matt and heel Christian vs a reluctant tweener Edge and mega-face Jeff with whoever gets the pinfall gaining the championship.

Sorts out a few months' planning.

Bad Boy
01-21-2009, 07:55 AM
^ sounds real good, but knowing WWE they will manage to screw up Christian's return... let's see where they go with it..

01-21-2009, 07:59 AM
thanks for the post Eel

01-21-2009, 03:12 PM
very creative there imhereforthedivas

i wouldnt mind seeing that one bit

cuz i really dont want to see edge vs. hhh at all

christian vs. jeff would be a good match though and make it for the title