View Full Version : Update On Hogan/Austin WrestleMania Match

01-20-2009, 11:18 PM
After a recent radio appearance where Hulk Hogan told Bubba The Lovesponge that he'd have no problem putting over Steve Austin at WrestleMania 25, Jim Ross was quick to update his blog stating that Austin's wrestling days were behind him and a dream match with Hulk Hogan was no longer possible. Jason Powell reports that a source close to Hogan agrees the match is unlikely but that we still could see Hogan at the big show in April. "Steve is in no shape to work with anybody," said the source. "It's impossible for him to bump and have a match." The source acknowledged that Austin is one bad bump away from a serious injury, and noted that Hogan struggling with his own wear and tear. While the source wouldn't completely rule out a special Hogan appearance at WrestleMania, it's not something he's actively pursuing.

Source: WA