View Full Version : JR Discusses "The Wrestler," Speaks on Calling The Rumble Match

01-27-2009, 08:13 PM
Jim Ross has once again updated his blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some excerpts:

- Saturday I left OKC on Northwest Airlines non stop (gasp) to Detroit where it was about 10 degrees when I landed 45 minutes early at 6:30 p.m. The baggage claim area was full of fans looking for photos and autographs of which I tried to accommodate. There was another large contingent of WWE fans at the downtown Marriott near the Joe Louis Arena. Without question wrestling fans have no issues in bringing chairs, photos, and all sorts of signable goods to sign. During the process, I refused to hold a new born child nor would I sign the infant's arm but that shouldn't make me a bad guy. Other than that all went well.

- Tazz and I had our assignment of handling the WWE Title bout but no one knew for sure who was going to call the Rumble match until a few hours prior to the event starting. I was fortunate to do my prep as if I was going to be a part of the presentation just in case. King was King and he rolled with the flow but working with Jerry was fun ("they put the band back together for one more show.") and it did not seem that we missed too many beats. At least, that was Mrs. J.R's opinion but she is biased. We hoped that you enjoyed it too.

- Michael Cole said that Golden Globe winning actor Mickey Rourke was a "helluva athlete" which sort of surprised me on two fronts. One, that WWE announcers can say "helluva" and that the rejuvenated actor was an athlete but I do remember his brief boxing career. As reported here, Rourke hanged with Ric Flair, Pam Anderson, and others at the premier of "The Wrestler" a few weeks ago at a party at the Four Seasons tht did not disperse until after 5 a.m. I don't know how noted ladies men and social drinkers Flair and Rouke could have tolderated hanging with the buxom Anderson when she was in the mood to party. (That was a joke for goodness sakes.) I should have been there to chaperone.

- The Mrs. and I saw "The Wrestler" Friday night, watched it twice, and enjoyed it. A really strong, dramatic film that depicts how people who are obsessed with their own lives and their careers can self destruct even though they know that what they are doing is wrong and could even kill them. I've seen virtually every sports movie ever made and this one was the closest to depicting accurately several wrestlers I have known in the 70' and 80's in the regional territory days who would forsake all the good things in their lives to hear their name announced and to enjoy the ensuing reception the crowd provided them. I would think that to a certain dgree that this still goes on today in some obscure indy's primarily because of the reasons I outlined but perhaps more importantly because the wrestlers need the pay days and want to be discovered.