View Full Version : R-Truth Discusses Tribute To The Troops & More

01-27-2009, 08:18 PM
HipHopDX.com has an interview online with R-Truth. The interview was conducted shortly after R-Truth returned from WWE's Tribute to the Troops show in Iraq last year. Below are the highlights:

On WWE Tribute To The Troops: "It's something that if you've never experienced, it is something that needs to be experienced. It's awesome, it's compelling–something that you could hardly explain. The troops are there, and they are so pumped up, so day to day... visiting the hospital, going from the different camps, seeing the smiles and excitement and interviews, and they were very excited to see us come there. It’s just a love that was given both ways, from us to them and also from them back to us."

How he got into wrestling: "I got into wrestling through a guy named Jack Crockett. I made a lot of mistakes in my young years–I met him at a halfway house, and I tried to get him to invest in my music career. He had big ideas, bigger plans for me. I started going to WW shows with him–I went to three shows, but I still wasn't convinced yet, until the day I felt Rick come down to rap. Crockett was beside me talking, and he said, "That could be you rapping and dancing, and doing your own thing, coming to the ring." And once I saw people's reaction to it, the pyrotechnics and the lights, it warmed me over there."

Meeting the late Tupac Shakur & Easy E while pursuing music: "That gave me a bigger share of... I was in the right direction; I was in the right place that I wanted to be in – meeting those guys. I hung out with them for a couple of days, with Tupac for a couple of days, talking to those guys. Back then I was feeling so open to people. He had just done the movie Juice then, so he was on the rise at that time. Eazy made the business pretty much. But just to be in the presence of those guys, in the aura they put out, and seeing all the action, all the hard work they put into the business, pretty much gave me the knowledge of that's where I wanted to be at."

Similarities between Rap and wrestling: "Entertainment: big-time entertainment. Both are reacting within a large audience. Both take hard work, dedication. I’m meant to do both–I mix both of them, and I get the same appreciation from wrestling that I do from making music."

When asked how he explains past mistakes, including being incarcerated in his early adulthood: "Experience is the best teacher. A lot of my relatives, my family members, cousins of mine, they don't have to keep running into that brick wall like I did. It took me a couple times to get it, you know? Negative brings negative results. And I could try to teach kids and people that nothing good is gonna come out of nothing negative. You could try, you could try, you could try, you could wish–but there’s nothing good that's gonna come out of it. And I try to preach that to each and every person that I see, and know that may have negative thoughts and intentions on their mind."

Click here ( http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/lifestyle-features/id.1300/title./p.1) to read the full interview.