View Full Version : More On WWE No Longer Banning Chris Benoit From History

02-05-2009, 03:37 PM
WNW reader Ray sent this in... This is a follow-up in regards to an earlier article about WWE lifting their ban on Chris Benoit as Benoit is also featured prominently on the 2006 and 2001 pages of the No Way Out section on the official WWE website.

Source: WNW

02-05-2009, 09:59 PM
They better not lift the ban. WWE's product isn't getting any better, and if they start honoring a monster, I will have to cut my loses and be done with it.

02-05-2009, 10:14 PM
They better not lift the ban. WWE's product isn't getting any better, and if they start honoring a monster, I will have to cut my loses and be done with it.

Maybe you should stop watching if you can't appreciate Chris Benoit's career.

02-05-2009, 10:58 PM
I Agree With Kage.

02-06-2009, 12:57 AM
Maybe you should stop watching if you can't appreciate Chris Benoit's career.

Stop watching because you cant appreciate a guy who was horribly undersized for a main eventer, horribly boring in the ring and horribly terrible on the mic? The Smarks might still gush for the guy but he was nothing special when he was alive, and a monster in death.

02-06-2009, 01:25 AM
Stop watching because you cant appreciate a guy who was horribly undersized for a main eventer, horribly boring in the ring and horribly terrible on the mic? The Smarks might still gush for the guy but he was nothing special when he was alive, and a monster in death.

Undersized? Gee, I didn't know Vince McMahon had an account on here. Boring? Lol. I'll agree with the bad mic skills, some guys just can't talk. If you don't think Benoit was something special you need to go back and watch some tapes.

02-06-2009, 02:37 AM
Undersized? Gee, I didn't know Vince McMahon had an account on here. Boring? Lol. I'll agree with the bad mic skills, some guys just can't talk. If you don't think Benoit was something special you need to go back and watch some tapes.

yep undersized. If you aren't charismatic or exciting, which he certainly wasn't either, then you might as well at least be huge and look like a one man freakshow. There isn't a chance that I would go back and watch some old Benoit tapes. I'm not one of the guys who jumped on the anti Benoit bandwagon after he became a brutal child murderer, I couldn't stand the guy when he was alive. I literally didn't watch a Benoit match for the last 2 years or so of his career. The last match of his that I saw was probably the OJ squash in early 2005.