View Full Version : Man pulls teeth with pliers

02-05-2009, 06:27 PM
An East Yorkshire man pulled his own teeth out with a pair of pliers because he couldn't find an NHS dentist.

Former soldier Ian Boynton couldn't afford to go private so took out 13 of his teeth that were giving him severe pain.

The 42-year-old, from Beverley, hadn't had his teeth checked since seeing the army dentist in 2003, reports the Daily Mail.

"I've tried to get in at 30 dentists over the last eight years but have never been able to find one to take on NHS patients," he said.

"I started having pain in a front tooth, which protruded slightly more than the others. I was constantly fiddling with it and wiggling it because it hurt so much.

"In the end I knew it had to come out and had to use the pliers to pull it. Amazingly, it did not hurt as much as you might think.

"I think I'd been prising it that much in the meantime that I'd been killing the nerve."

In the last two years Mr Boynton has pulled out 13 top teeth including molars, incisors and canines and has only two left in the roof of his mouth.

He has now finally found a dentist to take him on.

Mr Boynton added: "I desperately needed a dentist because, although I'm no longer in pain, I need to have false teeth as I'm finding it difficult to eat. Unfortunately I can't make false teeth myself."


02-06-2009, 08:31 AM
wow thats one way of doing itlol thanks for the post Eel

02-06-2009, 08:34 AM
^ lol