View Full Version : JR Responds to Creative Claims, Speaks on The Rock's Career

02-09-2009, 08:09 PM
Jim Ross has blogged once again over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"I think that because some fans think that because I am an announcer on Friday Night Smackdown that I am involved in the creative process and can impact creative changes. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I do not attend creative meetings, none are held in Oklahoma at JR's Family BBQ, and the complete and total extent of my creative involvement is to make an occasional suggestion if I think that I have a good idea which is quite infrequent. Some emails you never see are in attack mode from the get go at me personally because I don't change things some fans don't like. Those emails are read and deleted without problem but there is a general misconception of what my role these days is with the WWE. Hopefully this helps clarify the matter."

"I will be doing more THQ video game voice overs in a couple of weeks here in Norman. As I said the storylines in this game are more involved that I can recall in the past but the over lying issue of the game is the increased physicality of it. I think some mistake a PG TV rating as factoring out physicality and that's not the case in my view but it does eliminate HLA type moments which shouldn't offend any true wrestling fan. I am anxious to see if the THQ trend continues with the next collection of copy."

"Some friends have asked me about where Friday Night Smackdown will be produced during the week leading into WM25 and I still don't know. My assumption is that SD will be produced down in Houston which adds another live event for the fans who travel to Houston for WM25 week to attend. Sounds like a cool event for Axxess. Hopefully that matter will be made known to us all sooner than later so every one can plan."

"Yours truly exchanged emails with Dwayne Johnson at the Super Bowl and we wanted to hook up but his schedule and mine just would not allow it. He is really excited about his next film "Return to Witch Mountain" and the movie trailer looks great. Dwayne has been wise beyond his years in the movie roles that he has selected all of which will seemingly have long shelf lives and be family friendly for years to come. I hope to hook up with the former Miami Hurricane this fall when Oklahoma travels to Miami to play "The U." I am profoundly proud of Dwayne's film success and I'm happy to say that, as it relates to our relationship and that's all that concerns me personally, success hasn't changed the "Great One" one bit."

"We are often asked about any Wrestlemania surprises on tap for Houston. First of all and to be totally honest with you I don't know of any at this time and I really don't want to know. I, too, love surprises which are becoming rare in today's pro wrestling world. Many folks who know insider info feel compelled to leak the info to outside sources for reasons beyond me. Can you provide an answer as to why someone would reveal the "end of the movie" to those planning on seeing the "movie" but as of yet have not? Nonetheless if I knew of any surprises why would I reveal them and ruin them for the fans? I think it goes without saying that the WWE will pull out all the stops to make WM25 a success including a surprise or two here and there."