View Full Version : Paris Hilton Pees from 7000 Feet Up

06-26-2006, 07:18 PM
Paris Hilton was in Germany, and right in the middle of the helicopter flight she started whining that she had to pee. Must have been too much warm German beer. So she orders the Helicopter pilot to land immediately even though they were 7,000 feet in the air. The pilot landed near a German farmer’s house. Paris’ handlers barred the family from entering their own house whilst she was on the toilet, perhaps to stop them from over hearing any unpleasant sounds. Then to append an insult onto her ungratefulness, Paris Hilton then spent ten minutes smoking on the porch of the farmer’s house as he wouldn’t allow her to smoke inside his home. The unnamed farmer said: "She was cold as a fish, and cursed about the weather."

That’s the cover story. I’m thinking Paris read one of those survey’s that say German men have the biggest Sausages in the world, and she made an emergency stop to try a few. The first farmer was a little busy already with another girl that stopped by to use the bathroom. I’m sure that experience will have Paris coming back for German sausage whenever she can squeeze it into her busy schedule.

Credit: Hollywoodgrind.com

06-27-2006, 11:10 AM
Couldn't the farmer have theoretically called the police and her and her handlers done for trespassing?

She couldn't hold it in just a few more minutes anyway?

What a superb*tch she is anyway!

06-27-2006, 11:30 AM
What a superb*tch she is anyway!

I think dumb bitch would describe her better

Mr Mando
06-27-2006, 01:07 PM
just one word,

Dark Drakan
06-27-2006, 04:06 PM
Dear god is there anything this woman cant get away with...