View Full Version : Matt Hardy Blogs: Speaks on Christian, Paul London & More

02-14-2009, 03:44 PM
Good job Teddy Long-I'm glad to see you listened to the smartest man in wrestling, Matt Hardy. After I correctly called you out for being a bad General Manager, you finally did something right. After I pointed out to the world your managerial flaws and mistakes, you finally took a step in the right direction with ECW this week. My sources told me that the Sci-Fi network was absolutely furious I was no longer the flagship of their primary television show. ECW was in jeopardy of being canceled if Teddy Long didn't attempt to fill the monstrous void I left in the ECW roster. To fill this enormous void, Theodore Long brought in Christian, Tyson Kidd, and has Evan Bourne on the way back. It was a good start to filling my void, although it'll take more than these three to do it. So to all of you who enjoyed ECW this week, you have me to thank me for it.

Speaking of Christian, we have a very long and storied history together. Christian was a recipient of my star-making abilities back in the first ever tag team ladder match. Christian was also smart not to stick his nose into my business with Jeff. I could see how he would be tempted to upon resigning with the WWE, but fortunately he was smarter than that. It's also funny how alot of the "internet journalist" and "internet fans" thought Christian might be somehow associated with me and my master plan. Nope. Never has been. There's never been any changes in my plans, there's never been a "B" plan, and Christian hasn't ever been factored in at any time. If Christian did happen to become ignorant enough to interfere with me and my plans, he might find a "Black Cloud" above his head.

You know, the same kind of "Black Cloud" that took away everything from some "Hooligan" that used to be employed by the WWE. And these are facts-it's someone I got hired after allowing him to have a great match with me on Velocity, and then by going to bat to management for him. It's someone who wrestled his most famous and self-confessed "favorite" WWE match in a contest that I was in and totally engineered and manufactured. And then he became bitter because he attempted to follow in my footsteps, and couldn't measure up as a man in any way-and I mean in any way. Just another example of what happens when you attempt to cross Matt Hardy, I ALWAYS win in the end. Not only am I "The Starmaker", I'm also a "Startaker." Enjoy your pathetic life, you're welcome.

The Black Cloud

"Cold Blood" Matt Hardy

Source: WWE.COM

02-14-2009, 06:01 PM
thanks for the read Eel