View Full Version : JR Talks About HHH On RAW & More

02-15-2009, 06:13 AM
Burning the midnight oil to hammer out another blog before I venture off to the great Northwest and Sunday's No Way Out PPV along with Tuesday's Smackdown taping in Portland, Oregon which is the home of WWE HOF'er Rowdy Roddy Piper. I hope Roddy drops by on Tuesday. Let's get this thing started because that's how we roll up in here. (How's that for being hip?)

My "What's up Eve" flippant remark on Friday night Smackdown got exactly the reaction I thought it would. I think some internet reporters thought I had lost it Friday night. Got news for them, I lost it long ago.

I made a reference about R Truth smiling ala JYD back in the day. JY would always smile and say very little when he was up to something or had just accomplished something as in having "company" over for the evening. Truth was smiling and not talking after upsetting Ezekiel Jackson Friday night in a shocking outcome from my perspective. Big Zeke's got a JYD/Butch Reed powerhouse frame an may be one of the sleepers on the Smackdown roster. Much of that is going to depend on how Jackson is utilized and how much he improves. Plus I have great respect for Black History Month and I wanted to mention something regarding it. It might not have been great but I was trying and that's all a steer can do.

While watching WWE 24/7 On Demand late last night, I watched a 20 minute time limit draw between Bobo Brazil and Bruiser Brody from MSG. Vince McMahon handled the play by play alone. There was also a hot match between Dusty Rhodes vs. Ernie Ladd in a packed Tallahassee, Florida arena in the mid 70's that was a blast to watch as Gordon Solie narrated the match after the fact. Finally, from 1959 in Buffalo, New York it was Brazil vs. Fritz Von Erich and the commentary was a hoot. I truly feel that WWE 24/7 is the best TV value out there. Oh yeah, another one airing this month is a Rock vs. Eddy Guerrero match from Raw and it was a night where King and I were really cooking. We were free wheeling and having a great time and without sounding like a Dick...Cheney proved why were were the best team of our era. Yes, I know that sounds egocentric but that's my story and I am by God sticking with it.

Speaking of WWE 24/7, one of the things that makes the Legends Roundtable on WWE 24/7 so interesting and compelling is that the panelists can say what ever they feel which is evidenced by Ric Flair's remarks that he felt like the NWO was one of the worse factions in the history of the business. Ric is likely in the minority on that one but his remarks have sparked a great deal of debate and discussion which is a good thing too. I hope you will check out the Legends Roundtable DVDs as they are excellent viewing and are thought provoking. These are the types of DVDs that you will want to watch more than once.

Don't do too much detective work on the fact that some WWE Superstars IE HHH is advertised to be on a Raw live event in March as several March cards will have crossover talent represented which has nothing to do with Wrestlemania or the Draft. Certain markets, and Boston is one, will have some particularly loaded cards featuring wrestlers from multiple brands.

I would bet you a side of JR's slow, smoked ribs vs a day old donut that the Wrestlemania card is far from finalized as we speak and further more that the WWE Draft is still, in pencil, in its beginning form on the proverbial drawing board IF it is that far along.

Point is, how can something be spoiled if it hasn't even been harvested yet?

I saw several impressive, second generation wrestlers in Tampa a week or so ago when I was there and also had the chance to speak to the group. I also watched some matches and several talents impressed especially Sheamus O'Shaunessy who's a rugged, fundamentally sound Irishman who I could see making an impact after Wrestlemania. I don't want to jinx the young man but he has the physical tools to be a main event talent. Unfortunately it takes many more tools than just physical to get to the Promised Land and time will tell if this Irish lad has them. There were others that also have something special but Sheamus stood out but be assured that he wasn't alone.

FCW has a roster dotted with famous names like Brisco, Rotunda, DiBiase, Hennig, Darsow, among others all of whom have a chance at making their families proud of their pro wrestling accomplishments. If this group isn't rushed, they have the chance to be one of the best groups the WWE has trained. I spoke with them about he value of financial planning, conducting themselves as professionals and being respectful, trustworthy businessmen, becoming true students of the game via DVD study and reading books on the business.

I liked the production values used in Jeff Hardy's in-ring promo Friday night and the fact that Jeff said what he had to say, made one or two main points and got the hell out. There is no question that the previous generation of wrestling talent were far better at delivering stellar in ring promos than the majority of today's wrestlers. I liked Jeff's pacing, his succinctness, and the fact that he did not try and memorize the Gettysburg Address where he would have been more concerned about retaining info that delivering the info.

I already have some matches in mind for the Legends of Wrestlemania video game I want to play...no wise ass jokes please as there is no age limit on being able to play a video game...that being said to some grown men who still live with their folks....and these matches include:

Stone Cold and Bret Hart vs. Rick Rude and Mr. Perfect.....The Undertaker vs. Andre the Giant....and HBK vs. The Rock. The list is actually endless. Plus King is a really mean King on commentary too.

I updated the Q&A section of the site today so check out the new questions and answers. Some are dandy's and might be enough fodder for other sites to do more "take offs" of these very blogs.

There should be a rule that all the wrestling websites that use our content as the sole source of a column should be kind enough to buy a bottle of JR's Original BBQ Sauce or at the very lest some 97% Fat Free Beef Jerky. Come on...spend some of that cash...brother here needs new shoes. I know this may be the pot calling the kettle black but some of the photos of the authors they could use some 97% Fat Free Jerky plus our sauces are healthy too.

One can only assume that after No Way Out that the WWE will begin releasing the names of those going into the WWE Hall of Fame on Saturday April 4 in the Toyota Center in Houston.

The list of inductors may feel controversial at the end of the day but come show time all will be well. Trust me.

As I have said before, I am really looking forward to that night. Of course being a corporate "yes man" and God knows that there aren't many of them in this business plus a charter member of the Mr. McMahon "Kiss My Ass Club" what would one expect me to say?

If you are a fan of the 80's, especially, I suggest you check out the Best of Saturday Night's Main Event DVD available now. I am a commentary freak so I like listening to the different styles of the announcing but the wide array of bouts is damn good and easy to watch.

Speaking of DVD's the upcoming, long awaited Macho Man Randy Savage DVD that is set to be released on June 9 is already creating quite a stir and it is still in the development stages. The question is will it be a career retrospective of classic bouts or a documentary with more talking and fewer bouts? One would think that most sane people would wait to actually see the DVD or to know exactly how it is being compiled before condemning it. The WWE usually does a helluva job producing their DVDs and I fully expect them to over deliver on this one. For one to think that there will not be any of the classic, Savage promos on this DVD leading into some of Randy's biggest bouts is absurd. This DVD is long over due and I for one am happy it is being done. Who knows, if it does well there could be a sequel.

We got some really good feedback on the MMA weigh in issue I recently brought up. Again, I realize that weigh-in's are necessary but I fear that some guys are pulling some unbelievable pounds not to mention how much bigger some guys are come fight time for a bout that was originally supposed to pit to equally sized competitors. I don't want to come off as a naysayer as it relates to the UFC or any other organization as I am a MMA fan who enjoys discussing this exciting new sport and hearing from fans who have infinite more knowledge than I so I can learn from them. I do think that my 30+ years experience in dealing with athletes, TV, broadcasting and marketing allow me to make an educated statement even though I am from the despised world of pro wrestling. Former WWE Champion Brock Lesnar can be like the great Muhammad Ali and have people pay big bucks to see him get his ass whipped by a pure MMA fighter while laughing all the way to the bank. Lesnar will lose some day in all reality but it won't have a damn thing to do with what he was doing with his time several years ago when he was making millions as "The Next Big Thing."

The Fatal Four Way that ended Friday Night Smackdown this week was a fast paced, physical affair that told a good story in my view considering it was building to the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. If this SD match doesn't close the show Sunday night in Seattle then I'm missing something and what some of my beloved peers say about me being too old school and too 'rasslin might just be true. In my view, there is only one match that can or should close No Way Out.

We are getting ready to feature some new, sale priced items from our store including our popular black, adjustable truckers cap that I am autographing. All these new offers will be available in the next couple of days. Let's all do our share to keep the economy going.

I spoke with Stone Cold this week who is one the damnedest workout routine that I have heard him describe ever. Steve's eating cleaner than ever since I have known him and he seems to be sitting squarely on "the wagon." Austin's complete focus in preparation for his next movie role is uncanny even thought some will read between these lines to think that Steve is getting himself in freakish physical condition for one more wrestling match. Believe what you want and what ever makes you happy.

The bouts for the Smackdown that air the Friday prior to Wrestlemania will be taped that preceding Monday in Dallas during the final Raw before WM 25 but there will be other SD elements done at Axxess but those are still under consideration. Bottom line is to get your tickets for Axxess as you don't know who you might see there or what could occur.

Have a great weekend and I hope you enjoy No Way Out.

Boomer Sooner!


Source: JRsBarBQ

02-15-2009, 08:01 AM
thanks for the post Eel