View Full Version : What Happened During RAW Commercial Breaks

06-27-2006, 08:40 AM
Credit: PWInsider

*Todd Grisham has three signed Kane t-shirts for whoever can answer trivia. Morgan is asked which star lost the Intercontinental Championship to Chris Jericho only to win it back the same night: Eddie Guerrero, Kane, or Rob Van Dam. He said RVD and was right. Jamar is asked which team Michael Hayes led to their first Tag Team Championship in Fayetteville: Edge & Christian, the Hardy Boyz, or the Dudley Boyz. He said the Hardys and was correct. Anthony is asked who won the European Championship from Perry Saturn in 2000: Al Snow, British Bulldog, or Dean Malenko. He said Bulldog and was wrong as it was Al Snow.

*Footage of Torrie Wilson shooting the cover for the WWE Summer Special magazine is aired. It will be unveiled tonight and I saw it on the newsstand over the weekend. It's about what you would expect with her posing in her red bikini with the plaid skirt.

*Matt Striker came out to the classroom and said John Cena took out ECW's wildman Sabu last night. He witnessed it firsthand as a top-notch lumberjack. He was appalled at Sabu's conduct last night and said that if ECW used tables for their intended use, i.e. reading books, taking tests, and doing homework, then they wouldn't go through them all the time. Striker said he was going to use a table properly and sit and read a book. The crowd groaned and he says this way he can garner even more knowledge that he can use to teach you, since after all he is Matt Striker and he is your teacher. After he leaves, Torrie Wilson's music hits and Todd Grisham walks out ahead of her as they make their way out to the ring.

*Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade make their way out to the ring. They taunt the fans and pat each other on the back. Trevor poses on the turnbuckle and Cade follows suit. They eye Lillian and pace around the ring.

*WWE's SmackDown! magazine presents the SmackDown! Rebound. Lashley and Booker T square off once again and Lashley fights off Finlay only to get DQ'ed after hitting Booker with the chair Sharmell brought in. Teddy Long announced a rematch inside a steel cage for this Friday.

*Vince, Shane, and the Spirit Squad are struggling to get up as the DX music continues. They slowly try to go through the curtain as they slide and slip across the dirty stage. I'm sure the ring crew is really enjoying these DX hijinks.
*Todd Grisham comes out for Sign of the Night. They included: Flair Country, DX, John Cena Can't See Me, D-X Rules RAW!, Bow Down to the Masters, a sign with white on black that was hard to read, I heart Puppies, Randy You're So Hot, The 82nd Airborne flash their patches, Ouch That's Gonna Need a Nurse, and a Nice DX sign with reflective panels. It might have been the sign guy holding the last DX sign as Todd said he got a haircut.

*Maria comes out for the Kiss Cam. The first pair was a pair of girls who finally did it to a big pop. The crowd laughed at a hefty couple who just sat there. Two guys didn't do it. Lillian got two cheek kisses from two 82nd Airborne and then kissed another on the cheek. The last two girls were wearing bright green matching tops and kissed twice for the crowd.

*The Torrie Wilson magazine cover footage airs again.

*Both men are back in the ring and the crowd is chanting 'Cena' loudly. Cena hits shots to RVD's head and gets a two count. He hits another shot in the corner and whips him to the opposite corner into a suplex. Crowd gives a mixed reaction but pops for the suplex and the following two count. Both men are back up and trade shots to the head. The crowd alternates between 'Let's go Cena' and 'Let's go Van Dam.' The Cena chants are noticeably louder. Cena hits a hard shoulder block after an Irish whip and crawls over for another two count. Cena applies a head lock and holds it as we go back live.