View Full Version : Nick Patrick (WCW/WWE Ref) News

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-18-2009, 06:40 PM
"Assassin" Joe Hamilton and his son Nick Patrick are now helping behind the scenes at Warner-Robbins, GA based Rampage Wrestling. Joe is helping backstage with finishes and in formating the promotion's TV show that airs in Macon, and Patrick is serving as the promotion's commissioner and is helping backstage, including working with the refs.

After years as a top wrestler, Hamilton promoted the original Deep South Wrestling in the mid-1980s. He then estabished the Power Plant Wrestling School for WCW, and was with the company until it was sold to Vince McMahon. He helped train Triple H, among other stars.

Joe Hamilton ran Deep South Wrestling as a WWE development promotion with Bill DeMott as head trainer for several years (2005-2007) until WWE decided to discontinue it's financial support for the promotion. Thereafter Hamilton ran several small shows under the Deep South brand, but stopped after drawing small crowds.

Hamilton records a weekly audio piece for Who's Slamming Who at http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/

Patrick started as a wrestler but became a referee after an injury. He worked for the NWA's Jim Crockette Promotion, and then WCW where he was Senior Referree, and eventually the official NWO referee. When WCW was purcased by WWE, he joined the company until his release in August of 2008. Patrick also worked with his father at the original Deep South Wrestling, and in the newer WWE supported version.


02-18-2009, 08:55 PM
Thanks for this.