View Full Version : Reports of real life Slumdog romance

02-20-2009, 01:54 PM
It has been claimed that the stars of 'Slumdog Millionaire' Dev Patel and Freida Pinto are dating in real life.

Their co-star Indian actor Anil Kapoor is quoted in The Sun as saying of their relationship: "I think this is the beginning of something exciting. They definitely make a great pair and look very good together."

The two young stars are said to have grown close while promoting the film - a favourite for the Oscars this weekend - around the world.
Patel, 18 and from Harrow, has already bagged a clutch of awards for his role as Jamal in the film. Ex-model Pinto, 24, plays his love interest Latika.

Kapoor reportedly made his remarks on a US radio station.

Presenter Ryan Seacrest asked the actor: "Dev and Freida...is there any action going on behind the scene there?"

Kapoor answered: "As a matter of fact, when I meet them I feel there is something happening."


02-21-2009, 09:44 PM
Thanks for the read.