View Full Version : Extensive Look At Christian's WWE Return & Creative Plans

02-21-2009, 04:21 PM
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Michael Hayes is the agent primarily responsible for Christian's return storyline against Jeff Hardy. Many agents within WWE, including Hayes, have always been very high on Christian, however, as we've now seen with his introduction on ECW, the one perosn who has never seen much star power in Christian is Vince McMahon. When Christian first informed WWE that he would be returning to the company, Michael Hayes immediately began working on his return, coming up with the idea behind the "attacks" on Jeff Hardy that would eventually reveal Christian to be the culprit. However, a combination of the internet spoiling the storyline and Vince's persistant negative attitude towards Christian lead Michael Hayes to pitch Matt Hardy in the role as opposed to Christian. Vince agreed and the subsequent decision was made to debut Christian against Jack Swagger on ECW.

Vince has never thought Christian to be a top talent player, even going so far as to say that his headshot portfolio years ago was one of the worst in the business he had ever seen. It should be noted that with the exception of Scott D'Amore, there weren't too many backstage higher-ups in TNA that felt Christian was a main event level player either. Christian was originally brought into TNA by D'Amore, who pushed for him to be used as a main event level guy, and he was because D'Amore was on the booking team when Christian originally debuted with TNA. However, once D'Amore was removed from the booking team, Christian lost many supporters, and when Vince Russo came into the company, Christian's stock fell even further.

Although Christian is widely considered to be a solid wrestler and a great mic worker, the main people in charge, specificallly Vince Russo and Vince McMahon, in TNA and WWE respectively, have never fully recognized his talents, which is the reason why both companies seem to have dropped the ball where Christian is concerned.

02-21-2009, 06:32 PM
we gotta buy his merchandise and watch ecw as long as he's on it! i know i am! let's all do this together!

Your Olympic Hero
02-21-2009, 07:05 PM
Vince is right. Now don't get me wrong I like Christian. In a tag team he is great but as a singles wrestler he is a mid carder at best.

02-21-2009, 08:27 PM
Okay, they put Jack Swagger on the ECW title. That is what Vince likes. While I think he has talent to go far, he was nowhere near ready to carry a 'main' title. Christian has talent and can carry a match and cut a promo like very few. I understand not the reasoning behind all of the negativity on him.

02-21-2009, 08:56 PM
wow thanks for the post Eel