View Full Version : Imposter Kane No More, WWE/MSG, WWE Magazine

06-27-2006, 09:43 PM
# Last night was the blow-off for the Imposter Kane (Drew Hankinson). This imposter will not be appearing on WWE programming anymore.

# Old WWF shows from Madison Square Garden will begin airing on the MSG Network next Tuesday at 8 p.m. The shows will be cut down to one hour. One hour shows are scheduled at 8 p.m., 9 p.m., 11 p.m., and 1 a.m. next Tuesday. More shows will air at Noon, 1 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. the following Wednesday.

# The new WWE Magazine with Batista on the cover has already been mailed out to subscribers. There is an unusual feature in the magazine that features wrestlers which have been passed away. Here are some details, courtesy of Rob F...

I figured this would be worth of you posting, so I'm sending it along. I just got in the new WWE magazine there is a two page spread about some of the WWE superstars of the past who have died. Anyway, there are cartoon headstones drawn and a pop up next to them telling you who the superstar is with a little picture and it tells you where they are buried, and what type of Item you should bring when you visit them. The whole point of the article is like a "Summer Road Trip" to see Dead Wrestlers. The Article says you should bring some fuzzy dice when you visit Eddie Guerrero. Some of the Wrestlers mentioned are Eddie Guerrero, Mr. Perfect, Owen Hart, Gorilla Monsoon, Hercules. Rick Rude, Junkyard Dog, Classy Freddie Blassie and Big Bossman.

source: Wrestling Observer

06-27-2006, 09:51 PM
Yeah when I saw that beatdown of the Imposter, I knew that was the end of that pointless gimmick, I think Kane might go back to the mask though...

Mr Mando
06-27-2006, 10:13 PM
peeps the imposter appeared last night on Raw,and Kane was on his way to grab the Mask of this imposter

i think they will complete their rivalry

06-28-2006, 02:35 AM
IF you dont understand listen up
All the thing was b/w Kane and Fake Kane was only Kane to get his mask.

Still 2nd Place
06-28-2006, 04:17 AM
I think they should have had this Kane Vs. Old School Kane go on longer and make it something as I enjoyed it even the 1st week I kno wit was looking like crap but I knew that all the faults would be fixed the next week and they did and after that it was on a roll and I think this could have been put on a few more weeks as it was good we still dont know nothing of the past between these 2 men and that could have brought this to the next level

I just think that after Old School Kane won at the PPV and the next night he gets a beat down and boom its over seen like a bad ending and just another ball dropped by the creative team in WWE

If Knae dont put the mask back on then this whole thing was pointless so he better have it on but over all I am left feeling like it should have went on longer

06-28-2006, 04:19 PM
yeah i got that WWE magazine yesterday. good read.