View Full Version : Jim Ross: Undertaker's Retirement, Superstars TV Show, SD & More

02-22-2009, 05:29 PM
Jim Ross has updated the Q&A section over at jrsbarbq.com. Here are some of the highlights from the latest entry:

- JR on a possible Triple Threat with HBK, JBL and The Undertaker at WrestleMania: Highly unlikely. Taker will be in a high profile one on one match in my view.

- JR on if he sees WWE making SmackDown the top priority: Not in my lifetime.

- JR on The Undertaker: We've never had such a conversation. Everyone seems to continue to predict Taker's retirement but he's never mentioned such to me. I think he has several good years left especially if his schedule is well managed.

- JR on a rumor that WWE approached UFC fighter Chuck Liddell about coming in: That's a new one. I've never heard that one before. The "Iceman" is a bad dude with lots of charisma.

- JR on the new Superstars show: I assume that it will be first run matches taped on Mondays in conjunction with Raw. I have not volunteered to be a part of this new show and have suggested that Josh Mathews and Matt Striker handle the announcing. If called upon, I would serve, nonetheless.

Source: WA

02-22-2009, 05:59 PM
Who is Josh Mattews...?

02-23-2009, 12:11 AM
thanks for the read Eel

02-23-2009, 01:42 AM
josh matthews has absolutely no charisma

02-23-2009, 03:59 PM
We Want Joey Styles!!!!