View Full Version : Kizarny Blog - Inside

02-23-2009, 05:14 PM
"EDITOR'S NOTE: Kizarny's blog has been translated to English by WWE.com for ease of reading..."

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dogs and cats, canaries and girraphs, elephants and squirrels, smurfs and midgets etc... WEIZELCOME!!! Welcome to my very own lil fun house located right HERE Smackdown smack dab in the middle of the WWE Universe!

Please forgive my lack of saviness as it pretains to the world wide interesting net. Techology is NOT my fortay! Warp cores! Dylithium crystals! Flux capasitors! Fan belts! Spark plugs! I still haven't figured out 90 % of the gizmos on my nifty new cell phone... I am still used to having two styrofoam cups attached to a reeeeeeally long string! Perhaps the computer nerds at WWE.com like Joey 'OMG' Styles and YOU--- the lovely humans that make up the meat n' potatoes of the WWE Universe--- can help me figure it out?! Once I figure out what a blog is I promise to fill them blogtacularly with fart blossoms of wizdom and stories! Yes, I might suck at technology BUT (and that is a big 'BUT') I do know a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff!... I know how to bend iron bars in my teeth (eat your heart out Mark Henry)... I know the secret recipe for the infamous 'poisonous green mist' used by wrestlers, ninjas and midgets since the dawn of time!... Heck, I paint my finger nails green with the stuff!... AND out of all the fun, scary, weird, helpful, bizzare, painful and deliscious stuff that I know my favorite blip of knowledge is being expertly skilled in the art of making balloon bunnies!!! Weeeeee!!!!!

I intend on sharing with you the WWE Universe as much as I can... You will find that I wear my heart on my sleave (as it is the only way I know how to live). I will gladly share road stories from the uhhhhh road! I will share stories from the sideshows and rasslin shows and LIFE that has made me into the friendly neighborhood carnival freak that I am today!

Step right up and look into my eyes, they are the windows to my soul (and they are 20/20 too!). You will see me turn my opponents lives into a three ring circus! It will be fun, fun, fun as I turn life's rat race into a parade! Ohhh happy day!!! I once heard a musician sing that 'Happiness is not a fish you can catch'... Well I am here in the WWE to live my dreams happily ever after and I have a kung-fu grip on my happy fish! Here fishy, fishy, fishy!... Hey, what do you call a fish with no eyes?... Fssshhhh!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaahahah!!!!!....

The Wizard Beach Wildman,


02-24-2009, 07:33 AM
WTF! :lmao:

02-24-2009, 08:06 AM
wow just wow thanks for the post Eel