View Full Version : Balls Mahoney

06-28-2006, 02:46 AM
My thought on him is he is a great hardcore wrestler and some people who think that he can't wrestle is kind of true but he is an awesome hardcore fighter and if ecw gets a tour hour time slot I think he should get a tv title shot or oppunity because he has helped ecw a lot and whch he has put his body on the line and does need a title shot eventually.The tag match he had back in the orginal ecw with spike dudley against the dudleys in a chico street fight was a classic match and he went through a flaming table.I wouldn't mind seeing a Sandman/Mahoney fued it would be pretty entertaining and alot hardcore and he really needs a push in my opinnion he is awesome and pretty much a hardcore legend.He should of beat cena on raw he is truely the better wrestler and once agfain get s under rated and hopefully tonight he will have a match and hopefully a great hardcore match but not a sqush match like Sandman has been having recently but this is pretty much my thoughts on Mahoney show your thoughts on him if you want

Death Before Dishonor
06-28-2006, 02:48 AM
I totally agree, man. Balls Mahoney is awesome AND he has the GREATEST entrance song EVER!
I love Balls.

Straight Edge
06-28-2006, 01:08 PM
Balls is awesome yes, I was suprised he never won a singles title in ECW. He had many memorable matches in ECW also, mainly teaming with Spike Dudley and Axl Rotten and fueding with The Dudley Boyz for the ECW Tag Titles, and Balls being powerbombed through a flaming table was extreme.

07-07-2006, 06:53 AM
I love mahoney.. but he always ends up jobbing, thats if he gets tv time at all. he deserves better in ecw.