View Full Version : Another Crazed Michelle McCool Rant - Inside

02-27-2009, 05:46 PM
“Belief is a truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart.”

"Dreams are journeys that take one far from familiar shores, strengthening the heart, empowering the soul!"

So, the saga continues with...

Michelle McCool "Inside the Ropes!"

I've been getting hassled with the same question: "Michelle, what is wrong with you?" And to that, I have a simple answer - NOTHING , ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Once these other "divas" realize that this is my time, my world, my dream and they are just blessed to be passing through it, THEN things will be much better for us all! :) End of story...

Maria & Eve....I'm not sure what these two really think they are ever going to accomplish. Heck, they can barely "gang up" together and beat someone, much less do it themselves. I actually have a really good idea for the two of them. They should get all dolled up, quit pretending to play "WRESTLER" and battle it out backstage where they belong - on the mic! Sounds good to me...

Maryse Tag Partner? : I wouldn't go that far. I definitely will do what I'm told to do, which in last weeks' case was tagging with Maryse. But, I wont' say it was on my list of favorites. If you didn't notice, she wasn't very eager to get in and get physical. She was more worried about looking at herself than worrying about the match.

Soooo.....I started the match, did most of the work and tagged her in. She does the same two moves she was doing before she got hurt and then Eve starts taking it too her. There may have been tension between us, but I still HATE to lose. When Eve had her cornered, I took advantage and gave Eve a mean kick straight to the head. I knew she wasn't getting up from that. Sometimes you just do what you have to do. Maryse capitalized, and in her head, probably thinks she "won it for us!" Oh well...I'm not finished with her just yet. Will I have to team with her again before I get my title rematch...maybe? I honestly don't know. So on this topic of concern....to be continued!

Michelle McCool "Outside the Ropes:"

We just got back from a 4 day tour of South America. The shows were great, the fans were passionate and the plane rides were long! :) It seems that many of us, including myself, unfortunately caught the traveler bug the day we got home. Let me tell you, it has NOT been fun. Hopefully it'll pass in the next day or two.

This month has been absolutely slam packed. The month is already over and I feel like I haven't even been home. Not too much going on though other than work (sorry...)! :) I guess sometimes boring can be good. It gives me time to spend with family, catch up with friends (some of whom have gotten engaged - congrats again Cas), clean my house, pay bills - you know...all the fun stuff! :)

Wrestlemania is right around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. As always, it's once again my dream to take part inside the ring at WM! Will it happen....only time will tell! One thing is for sure, I will be prepared!

Hope all is well with you all.....until next time -

Faith to fight the good fight, heart to believe & soul to search within!

Love, MM

Source: WWE.COM

Darth Fozzy
02-27-2009, 06:35 PM
Someone needs to shut Michelle McCena up!!

02-28-2009, 08:09 AM
thanks for the post Eel