View Full Version : My Neighbour

That Rob
06-29-2006, 05:18 AM
Alright so my neighbour is about 18 mentally challanged and his mom treats him like he's 4. But wait it gets worse.

My brother caught him playing with a four years penis, he's kissed a five year old girl had her mother chase him, sexually molested his next door neighbour forcing them to move and a lot of other things. Everybody knows that he does these things, they have called the cops on him, he's been charged, but no proof has come up that is legit. Through this all his mother is in denial. She denies that her son has done any of this although my brother caught him one time.

On top of all this people around do not feel that his actions are his fault. HOW THE FUCK AREN"T THEY!!!!! He is almost 18 and doing these sorta things to 5 year olds?????? Wanna know who they blame? His mother for how she raised him. Well I've had enough, I have been friends with his mother and father, since i was a little boy and if they aren't going to help him I will.

My neighbours have to realize he's not a boy anymore and has to take resposibility for his actions and my neighbours as grown men and women have to stop babying him as well. Treat him like the man his is, or is supposed to be, do not blame his mother for her sons actions, he is old enough to know right from wrong and if they won't help him then I will!

Sunshine Acid
06-29-2006, 05:25 AM
Did you not say he was mentally challenged?

06-29-2006, 08:05 AM
Did you not say he was mentally challenged?

^^:agree: yes he did.

06-29-2006, 09:11 AM
Alright so my neighbour is about 18 mentally challanged and his mom treats him like he's 4

he is old enough to know right from wrong

You said he is mentally challenged, his mother might treat him like a 4 year old because maybe he has the mental capacity of a 4 year old, so he wouldnt know right from wrong

06-29-2006, 09:21 AM
^ Atleast someone here knows what they're talking about. :shifty:

That Rob
06-29-2006, 04:22 PM
I know what I'm talking about, he's not a dumb kid, he's pretty smart for somebody with his condition, and when he is not with his mother or the little kids he acts just like all the other kids his age and he knows what not to do and such but when he goes around these little ones he changes. And saying he is mentally challanged was a bit of an overstatement he's really only got a learning disability and I've been around him long enough to know he knows whats right and whats not.

06-29-2006, 11:15 PM
you may know what your talking bout Robbery, but you dont know what is going on in his head. Kellie is right physically he maybe 18, but mentally he prolly isnt. He might be only imitationg what other people around him do. He may not fully know what he is or isnt doing.

06-30-2006, 01:59 AM
lets see. hes mentally challenged, so hes also a child molester. k all i gotta say dude, get a camera, video tape him doin this, and THEN start ranting this shit on the net with the vid

Sunshine Acid
06-30-2006, 02:22 AM
lets see. hes mentally challenged, so hes also a child molester. k all i gotta say dude, get a camera, video tape him doin this, and THEN start ranting this shit on the net with the vid

So in other words you want to watch a video of child molestation? :eek:

06-30-2006, 02:25 AM
no, im saying that i want proof before i start to rant about some retard making a rant

King Placebo
06-30-2006, 02:29 AM
This shit you type seems pretty hard to believe.

06-30-2006, 02:33 AM
fine i have no clue what ive been typing so far in this thread im just makin some retarded rant that makes no sense.

but seeing that this is about a mentally challenged 18 yr old child molester, its sounds like you got this from a chain letter

06-30-2006, 04:29 AM
he's not a dumb kid, he's pretty smart for somebody with his conditionOMFG!
im saying that i want proof before i start to rant about some retard making a rantWho made you the supreme authority? If he had proof, I don't think his first line of action would be to show it to you.
fine i have no clue what ive been typing so far in this thread im just makin some retarded rant that makes no sense.
I'm just taking a wild guess here. I think KoC's post was directed at the topic, and not at you. Either way, it's true.
Alright so my neighbour is about 18 mentally challanged and his mom treats him like he's 4. But wait it gets worse.

My brother caught him playing with a four years penis, he's kissed a five year old girl had her mother chase him, sexually molested his next door neighbour forcing them to move and a lot of other things. Everybody knows that he does these things, they have called the cops on him, he's been charged, but no proof has come up that is legit. Through this all his mother is in denial. She denies that her son has done any of this although my brother caught him one time.

On top of all this people around do not feel that his actions are his fault. HOW THE FUCK AREN"T THEY!!!!! He is almost 18 and doing these sorta things to 5 year olds?????? Wanna know who they blame? His mother for how she raised him. Well I've had enough, I have been friends with his mother and father, since i was a little boy and if they aren't going to help him I will.

My neighbours have to realize he's not a boy anymore and has to take resposibility for his actions and my neighbours as grown men and women have to stop babying him as well. Treat him like the man his is, or is supposed to be, do not blame his mother for her sons actions, he is old enough to know right from wrong and if they won't help him then I will!The only reason this seems hard to believe is because I can't believe that any parents would allow this to continue to go on or to let their young children be subject to someone like this. They would have done something. If the cops wouldn't do anything, then I would take matters into my own hands. If I was one of these parents, I would care if this guy is mentally challenged. Screw moral standards, my children come first.

06-30-2006, 04:39 AM
Screw moral standards, my children come first.

^^^exactly. how can you whoever made this thread. know he's doing that to children and not call the police? i'm really confused about that...

06-30-2006, 06:02 AM
^Well, Rob did say:
Everybody knows that he does these things, they have called the cops on him, he's been charged, but no proof has come up that is legit.But that still wouldn't stop me from doing what is necessary to protect my children. If the police did something as idiotic as to say they need proof to do anything, I would still feel obligated to do whatever I must to keep my children safe. It just doesn't make sense that there are any parents out there who wouldn't feel this strongly about protecting their children. If they don't know to take this situation (and any situation dealing with the safety and welfare of their children) seriously, they cannot be trusted with the custody and guardianship of any child and should have their children taken away.

My assumption is that their must be some facts left out of this story, or either some false ones added to it because it doesn't make sense for any parents to react this way. It sounds like the parents are the ones who are mentally challenged.

That Rob
07-01-2006, 02:56 AM
Well I have never caught him but my brother did and called the cops but the little boy would not admit to it. Either way one family was driven out of their house and you hardly ever see the guy anymore so either he's afraid to come outside or the cops have gotten invovled and I did not know about it.

Sunshine Acid
07-01-2006, 05:08 AM
Knock on his door and ask to hang out.

07-01-2006, 06:41 AM
Well I have never caught him but my brother did and called the cops but the little boy would not admit to it. Either way one family was driven out of their house and you hardly ever see the guy anymore so either he's afraid to come outside or the cops have gotten invovled and I did not know about it.So why the hell did you post this rant if:
You never saw him do it and don't have any proof that he ever did.
You know for sure he doesn't do it anymore.
There are also incongruencies in your story. For instance:
Alright so my neighbour is about 18 mentally challanged and his mom treats him like he's 4.
saying he is mentally challanged was a bit of an overstatement he's really only got a learning disabilityIt was your statement! How do you overstate yourself? "mentally challenged" can mean many different things, and having a learning disability is one of them. When you look at it that way, we are all mentally challenged. None of us are the smartess human on earth, so we are all mentally at a disability compared to people with higher IQs. Anyway, that's beside the point. My point is that it shouldn't matter what mental capabilities this guy does or doesn't have. Parents need to step up to the responsibility bestowed on them. Their children's safety should come first before law, virtue, morals, ethics, etiquette, decency, or any other social consideration that might hinder them from taking action.

I guarantee you the cops would be involved in this situation if it happened in my neighborhood to one of my children. The cops would be there to pick me up because a different neighbor called them after I finished beating this guy into the pavement. If he had a learning disability, he would probably overcome it pretty quickly as he lies in a pool of his own blood.

Adam Copeland2
07-03-2006, 05:51 AM
Assassin, I totally agree with your posts on this thread. There's no way in which his parents haven't done anything to prevent him from further molestation. And more so, treating him like a 4-year old in public. If I were the judge I wud lock up the parents before taking the guy in....

Additional Comment:
Plus, this could ALL be a big prank ur brother pulled on u...

That Rob
07-04-2006, 12:47 AM
^^ Could be a prank, but i doubt it as his mother told me about the family that moved because of her son, and denied he did anything, I was the only one she ever told.

Believe me if you might, but if not that's ok it's the internet you don't have to believe everything you read.

07-04-2006, 01:18 AM
The fact that you are admitting that it could be a prank means you don't even completely believe it.

That Rob
07-04-2006, 09:45 PM
^I'm pretty sure I did not admitt it was a prank.^

07-04-2006, 09:58 PM
Could be a prank

The fact that you are admitting that it could be a prank means you don't even completely believe it.

^I'm pretty sure I did not admitt it was a prank.^
This is about the nicest way anyone can word this: you're being an idiot. You have no concept of how to pay attention and rationally discuss a topic. You focused on one word of one of my posts and completely ignored everything else anyone has said in this thread.

07-16-2006, 06:29 AM
My take on the core issue ~ Regardless of whether or not his mental state qualifies him as "RESPONSIBLE", he and his guardians must be held fully "ACCOUNTABLE" for his actions under the laws in place to protect all affected members of the community.