View Full Version : Ross Reports On WrestleMania 25

03-12-2009, 12:48 AM
Jim Ross posted a new blog on his BBQ website. The following is what he had to say about not knowing this year's WrestleMania card ahead of time:

"Someone at our JR's Family BBQ in Norman today asked me if I knew the WM25 card and I told him the truth and that was that I didn't. I know some of the matches which would be the same as most of you who follow WWE closely but do I know the final card, hell no. I love finding out what is going to happen either by watching Raw or ECW TV or by broadcasting Smackdown. There is no reason for me to know any "insider" info ahead of time.

I feel confident enough in my work ethic and experience that I honestly think that I could arrive in Houston late on Sunday April 5 after being up most of the night with Stone Cold, get out of my car, walk into Reliant Stadium, go to ringside and commence to kicking ass if that was the hand that was dealt me. Personally there are matches that I really want to be a part of but the same can be said, I would hope, of every announcer in WWE. I know that what I have said in this paragraph will l likely have some eyes rolling and that's o.k. because this is how I truly feel."