View Full Version : Bischoff, Nash comment on Test

Black Widow
03-14-2009, 11:00 PM
Wrestling's Eric Bischoff and Kevin Nash comment on the deceased Test.

I spoke with Eric Bischoff and Kevin Nash in separate phone calls late Saturday afternoon about Test (Andrew J. Martin), who was found dead in Tampa on Friday night. There was no indication of foul play, and everyone will now await the autopsy results.

Here's what Bischoff said about Test, who Bischoff knew from his professional wrestling days.

"Being only 33 years old, it's another unfortunate incident. He obviously had challenges with addiction.

"We were friendly, (but) he had a different group of friends as we had an age difference. I did spend a fair amount of time with him (overseas trips, etc.). He was always first-class, very cordial and a polite, professional guy.

"I never saw any evidence of substance abuse until about a year and a half ago. All the time before that he was always sober and professional."

Bischoff also spoke on a few other items.

On another season of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling: "We're still in negotiations."

On Hulk Hogan: Bischoff confirmed Hogan's recent back surgery (if anyone is wondering if that didn't really happen). "(Hogan) is doing great. On a personal level, he's healthier and happier than he's been in the last 15 years."

Here's what Nash said about Test:

"We were really close. I helped him get into rehab. WWE picked up the dollar and helped him through rehab. Andrew went in. He was doing really well, making his meetings.

"He went over and worked in Japan (recently). He was in that not as busy as you once were routine. We don't know the cause of death, and I would hate to speculate.

"The combination of muscle relaxers and pain pills are lethal.

"He was a great guy. I kind of looked at him like a little brother. I considered him one of my better friends.

"He was a big guy. He was a bud."

Nash said Test was in his top 10 list of friends, and that he would now need to move someone else onto that list.

Nash also spoke on his current health (mainly, his elbow):

"It's a slow process. It's getting better every week. The doctor thinks I will be ready for the pay-per-view (TNA's April 19 Lockdown event). With or without the doctor's clearance, I will be there."

JAWBreaker's thoughts on Test: I will always remember Test as a guy with unlimited wrestling potential, mainly due to his size, height and look. I don't think he ever achieved that potential, but that wasn't his entire fault. Wrestling politics played a role. I think subpar verbal skills hurt him. However, he was a strong heel and was entertaining -- that should have overruled everything else. Sadly, it didn't. My condolences to Test's family and friends -- he seemed like a funny guy when he had that run with his fans calling them his Test-icles. Rest in peace, Test.


03-15-2009, 07:06 AM
it sounds like he was a great person thanks for the read Ryan