View Full Version : Exclusive: Burchill Interview

Black Widow
03-15-2009, 01:51 PM
A FORTNIGHT ago, some of you emailed in asking me to print the answers to the questions in our fantastic competitions.

I’m happy to oblige here today. British hero Paul Burchill, as so many of you told me, is the on-screen brother of temptress Katie Lea and he’s enjoying life with a revamped run on ECW.

Some of the small-minded among the WWE populace have poured scorn on him in the past. It’s unjust, and petty.

He was the best active UK independent wrestler when he got the big job in 2005 and had a decent enough start mentored by Regal on Smackdown.

Despite his abundant talent, Burchill appeared to have some pretty bad luck.

His similarity to Trip and the constraints on his moveset imposed by WWE TV wrestling cost him dear.

And the Pirates Of The Caribbean explosion didn’t help.

Fans saw a fantastically stacked Englishman selling arm bars like he was a stab victim, and whose offence consisted of dropping a knee or two. And he was dressed as a pirate.

When his old FWA running mate Nikita waltzed into the WWE, the twisted sibling gimmick was born.

A run on Smackdown was stilted by injury and a lack of momentum stalled the pair. ECW has changed all that.

Paul tells me: “I’ve got a new lease of life. I didn’t want to sit around hoping it was going to happen.

“I’d rather be doing something about it and feeling like I’m contributing.

“Now on ECW I’ve found myself working how I wanted to work, with a smaller roster.

H“There’s more opportunity and plenty of guys that otherwise wouldn’t have been seen have got over there.

“Knox, Punk, Kofi, Miz and Morrison have done it. They were people who didn’t have much going on and they revitalised themselves.

“It’s patience and it’s waiting for that right place, and saying this is what I can do. I can stand out there.”

Burchill isn’t wrong. Stone Cold Steve Austin, due for induction at the big one, and pictured training in LA this week, had a few false starts.

The substance is there with Burchill. It’s a question of packaging the ability the right way and then the world will be his for the taking.


03-16-2009, 07:15 AM
thanks for the post Ryan