View Full Version : Superstars pay tribute to Test

Black Widow
03-16-2009, 03:30 PM
HULK HOGAN has honoured former WWE colleague Test.

Posting a short message on his Twitter account the Hulkster – pictured here on crutches with daughter Brooke – said: “I am saddened by the news of Andrew Martin's passing.”

One of Test’s best pals in the wrestling business has also spoken out.

Sean Morley – who played Val Venis in the WWE – issued a statement on behalf of himself and Matt Bloom, Andrew’s former tag team partner ‘Albert’. Both are currently touring Japan.

He wrote: “Andrew was a VERY good long time friend who both Matt and I share many great memories.

“Andrew's passing is still so shocking. I am still waiting for Johnny Ace or Christian or Edge or Jericho or somebody to call me back in Japan and tell me it was all a mistake.

“It does not feel real.

“Andrew ‘Test’ Martin along with Matt Bloom and myself became like the three amigos as we travelled the road together and shared many great memories.

“Last night before our match, as Matt and I absorbed the news and tried to make sense of it all, the silence was broken with Matt’s words which I could not have said better myself.

“He said; ‘You know what Val, all the friends we have lost, their deaths really sucked and saddened. But this one HURTS DEEP!’

“Drew(burg), I will always remember the great times we had and the memories you provided. You will always have a special place in my heart and my life.

“I promise, you will never be forgotten.


Both WWE and TNA posted up messages on their websites acknowledging Test’s passing and paying respects to his family.

Many stars of both federations have also added their personal tributes.

Top TNA wrestler Kevin Nash – who Test partly modelled himself after – told Three8Six.com: “We were really close. I helped him get into rehab.

“WWE picked up the dollar and helped him through rehab. Andrew went in. He was doing really well, making his meetings.

"The combination of muscle relaxers and pain pills are lethal.”

He added: “He was a great guy. I kind of looked at him like a little brother.

“I considered him one of my better friends. He was a big guy. He was a bud.”

The Sun

03-16-2009, 04:43 PM
thanks for the post post Ryan