View Full Version : Radiohead tell Miley to 'grow up'

03-17-2009, 08:33 AM
The teenage actress and singer was upset at the awards ceremony in February when the band refused to meet her.

After the snubbing, the Disney star said: "I left [the Grammys] 'cause I was so upset. I wasn't going to watch. Stinkin' Radiohead! I'm gonna ruin them! I'm going to tell everyone."

Radiohead responded through a spokesman, who said: "When Miley grows up she’ll learn not to have a sense of entitlement."

The British band also managed to "hurt" rapper Kanye West's feelings at the Grammys.

During the recording of a TV show in the US, the hip-hop star allegedly said that Yorke snubbed him backstage at the music awards show.

West told the audience "that hurt" as he idolises the band and considers them one of his few creative rivals.

"So when he performed at the Grammys, I sat down," West said.

Before heading off on a South American tour, Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke said in his blog: "Wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you're not one of those people I have managed to offend by doing nothing xx."

03-20-2009, 07:36 AM
good for them

03-21-2009, 05:16 PM
thanks for the read John