View Full Version : More On Tomko's Release From WWE

Black Widow
03-19-2009, 11:20 AM
As reported earlier today, WWE has parted ways with former TNA star Travis "Tyson" Tomko, so his second stint with the company ended before he could even return to television. In an update on the story, he was actually released sometime within the last two weeks, so it was a very recent release. Previously, some believed he may have actually been released a few days after his first match back with the company in December, but it was never confirmed.

Tomko is the eleventh name to depart from the organization within the past four weeks, following Scotty Goldman, Manu, Freddie Prinze, Jr. (creative team writer), John Carle (creative team writer), Afa Anoa'i, Sr. (on company payroll), The Boogeyman, developmental wrestler Kaleb O'Neal, Ryan Braddock and Kizarny. Another creative team writer was let go alongside Carle two weeks ago, although we don't have his name yet. WWE also recently parted ways with developmental female performer Saylor James (real name Catalina White), although it is unknown how long ago she was released.


03-19-2009, 03:11 PM
Guessing their trimming the roster and the company due to the 'Recession' Thanks For This Ryan

Notorious Cow
03-19-2009, 04:01 PM
thats what it looks like to me.. thnks

03-19-2009, 05:15 PM
^same here, thanks for the post Ryan

03-19-2009, 10:40 PM
Looks to me like if you're not a main-eventer.... Your head's on the chopping block

03-20-2009, 12:57 AM
No! I wanted Tomko back on TV! I need those tattoos and beard!:shifty: