View Full Version : Mischa told to gain weight

03-20-2009, 01:37 PM
Mischa Barton has been told to gain weight to keep her role in a new US TV show.

Former The O.C. actress Mischa has agreed to pile on the pounds after producers voiced concerns she had become too skinny.

Mischa is understood to only be allowed to keep her part of Sonia, a model in A Beautiful Life, if she can keep her weight up.

A source said: "The producers are very mindful that their target audience is teenage girls so it's important not to send the wrong message.

"Mischa has the part on condition she does not lose weight - they want her to put weight on if she can."

Concerns were raised last year after the 23-year-old actress was pictured looking gaunt.

She previously said she is "obsessed with Pilates", but was quick to dismiss any concerns over her weight on her blog.

She wrote: "Just so you guys know, I'm happier and healthier than ever. I've just been watching what I eat.

"I still love my Pilates and yoga, and have cut back on fatty foods a bit. My time in India and Paris really just helped me lose a little bit of weight but there's nothing drastic going on."

Mischa has described her new character as: "A b***hy model-type character, like it's a totally different character for me."

A Beautiful Life, produced by Ashton Kutcher, is based on his early experiences as a male model. The programme is set to air in the US later this year.

Bang! Showbiz

03-21-2009, 08:43 AM
wow thanks for the post Omen