View Full Version : Report: WWE's Creative Team Becoming Very Frustrated with Vince

Black Widow
03-23-2009, 09:36 PM
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that during this hectic time in WWE, Vince McMahon has been particularly hard on the creative team, and it seems to be affecting people like Stephanie and Shane as well. When WWE broadcast Raw on March 9th in Jacksonville, FL, the creative team was given instructions to attend a meeting at Vince McMahon's Boca Raton condo following the show. It was during this meeting that Vince was going to go over the final plans for Wrestlemania 25, and the subsequent draft taking place after the PPV. However, Vince did not show up at the meeting and the creative team was instructed to then fly back to Stamford where the team would be briefed by Stephanie McMahon instead of Vince. It was said at this meeting that even Stephanie was upset over how Vince handled the situation and has become increasingly erratic during the Wrestlemania booking process.
