View Full Version : Anti-terror strategy to be unveiled

03-24-2009, 06:48 AM
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is due to unveil the Government's new anti-terror strategy.

Contest 2 is being billed by ministers as the most comprehensive approach to tackling the threat issued by any government in the world.

A Home Office spokesman said the new paper would take account of the way the terror threat has evolved and how the authorities were learning lessons from events.

Experts have spent a year preparing the document to take into account lessons learnt from recent terror outrages such as the attacks on hotels in Mumbai last year.

But there is not thought to be any intelligence of groups plotting to target hotels in the UK in the same way.

The document will outline the ongoing threat from al Qaida-inspired groups. For the last six years, the Contest strategy has been divided into four strands - Prevent, Pursue, Protect and Prepare.

These cover preventing radicalisation of potential terror recruits, disrupting terror operations, reducing the vulnerability of the UK and ensuring the country is ready for the consequences of any attack.

The terrorism threat level, set by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, has since July 2007 been "severe", which means that future terrorist attacks are highly likely but not thought to be imminent.

By 2011, Britain will be spending £3.5bn a year on counter-terrorism. The number of police deployed on counter-terror work has risen since 2003 from 1,700 to 3,000, while the security service MI5 has doubled in size over the same period.

Between 2001 and 2008, almost 200 people have been convicted of terror-related offences.


03-24-2009, 08:08 AM
thanks for this Eel

03-24-2009, 08:52 AM
Thanks For This