View Full Version : £600,000 to see Cherie Blair nude

03-24-2009, 07:20 AM
A London art gallery is selling a painting based on a semi-naked sketch of Tony Blair's wife.

Euan Uglow painted Striding Nude, Blue Dress, after Cherie Booth posed for him, aged 22, in 1972.

Her name and number are written on the sketch he took of her, reports The Independent.

Cherie Blair paid a private visit to an art gallery this week to be reminded of what she looked like in the nude more than 30 years ago.

Hanging on the wall, is an artist's sketch of her naked form on fading brown paper, and a painting based on the sketch.

The painting, Striding Nude, Blue Dress, by Euan Uglow, who died in 2000, was scheduled to go on public display in 2006 but was withdrawn at the last minute.

It is now on display and listed for sale at a Mayfair art gallery in London, with a price tag of £600,000.

The sketch, which is also on show at the Browse & Darby gallery, has already been sold for £4,000. The Blairs are speculated to have bought the sketch, but the gallery will not comment.

"It's the policy of the gallery that we keep our buyers' names secret. A lot of them don't want their names to be revealed," the gallery owner, Charles Bradstock, said.

"There has been a very good reaction to both works. Cherie Blair came before the private viewing to see them. She was interested, because she had never seen them before. Her husband wasn't with her."


03-25-2009, 12:40 AM
thanks for the post Eel