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03-24-2009, 05:34 PM
Out of the ring with a shoulder injury and promoting his first film role in Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia, WWE wrestler Mr. Kennedy bent my ear about politics, gaming and who really deserves a kicking

So how’s the shoulder?
It’s almost back to normal – I’d say I’m about 95% ready to go, it’s just that extra 5%. I just want to make sure that I’m totally ready before I get back in the ring. I was hoping it’d be better for Wrestlemania but I guess now it’s going to be after that.

How have you been keeping busy while out of action?
Well I’ve been training a lot. I go to physical therapy three times a week, I work out five days a week. Apart from that I’ve been travelling a lot – promoting the movie and WWE. I’ve been working with various organisations within the USA – troubled teens and things like that. Other than that I’ve just been playing video games and normal stuff like that.

So, the movie Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia – why should we watch it?
Well it’s just a good movie. There’s lots of action and it’s a great story about a bunch of Navy Seals who get framed for doing something they didn’t do. It’s something that people can relate to I guess because it’s the kind of thing that happens in real life.

What attracted you to getting involved with the film?
I’ve always wanted to tell stories and entertain people – that’s why I got involved with wrestling. Also, it’s one of my favourite genres of film. I love action and military movies. When you combine the two, it makes for a really entertaining piece. I grew up watching Full Metal Jacket, Platoon and movies like that so it’s really fun to actually be able to play a role like that.

And what about the stage persona you demonstrate in the ring – do you consider that acting?
I do, but I also think acting needs to be kind of real. Tim Matheson, the director of the movie, would say “we don’t want to get caught acting”. You want to react and just pretend as though you’re actually in that situation and act as if you would if it were real. When I’m in the ring, I turn the volume up because I get to do and say all kind of things that I’d love to do in real life but can’t because I’d get into trouble!

How did you first get into wrestling?
I was just a huge wrestling fan and I decided that I liked it so much I should get involved. I went to a wrestling school and learnt the basics; how to take a fall, how to tell a story. Then I just worked hard wrestling all that I could and getting experience. I worked my way up the independent scene. That’s about it – I would send tapes every couple of months to the WWE and finally they opened their doors and said “alright, let’s see what this guy’s got to offer”.

Did you have any idols growing up – who inspires you?
Well there’s just so many – Ricky Steamboat, Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels – They all have their own style and they’re unique in their own ways. I’ve learnt something from all of those performers. I take things from them, twist it and make it my own.

Of all the opponents you’ve taken on in the ring, who’s been the toughest?
It’s impossible to put your finger on just one really. You get a guy like The Undertaker; he’s big and he doesn’t like to stay down long. Then you others like Matt Hardy who’s just incredibly physical and kind of scrappy – he’ll just beat the crap out of you. I’d say they’re my two biggest challenges.

In an ideal world, is there any non-wrestler that you’d like to take down?
Barack Obama – I’d really like to whoop his ass! I don’t like the fact that he’s turning our country into a communist state. I like democracy and I like capitalism. I like the fact that I worked very hard to get where I’m at. Nobody handed me anything on a silver platter. I’d really, really like to get Barack Obama in the ring…
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…Well I’m pretty sure you could take him
I could. He looks like Steve Urkel, doesn’t he? “Did I do thaaat!”

Alright, so you must have pretty phenomenal strength – I weigh about 9st 10lb – how many of me could you lift?
Oh I’d say probably two or three – maybe two and a half…

…Is that two or three in each arm?
Ha ha, no! I think that’d be a little too much

So what do I need to start eating to be that strong?
Lots of protein – fish, chicken, steak. I eat tonnes of sushi and eggs. There’s this big ‘no carbs’ thing going around at the minute, but don’t know… Watch what you eat and don’t consume mountains of anything, but you need your energy. The carbs are like a vehicle that let the protein hitch a ride into the muscles, so you need them.

What do you do in your spare time?
I spend a lot of my time playing video games – I have all the different systems, it’s crazy. When I first got injured there really wasn’t a heck of a lot I could do, so at one point I spent about 35 hours in just a few days playing video games! My wife actually timed me and we had a little ‘sit down’ about it afterwards.

You must kick some arse with the wrestling games?
Oh no, I’m terrible at them actually – I’m much better at shooting games.

And in the future, do you think you’d like to do more acting?
I would really love to do more acting. At the moment I’m focusing only on getting back into the ring, but later on if I can do both that’d be great.

Catch Mr. Kennedy in the ring this April when the WWE® and Honey Monster presents WrestleMania Revenge Tour comes to the UK

Source: FemaleFirst

03-24-2009, 05:51 PM
thanks for the post Eel