View Full Version : PUNK'D: Lockport native a WWE standout

Black Widow
03-26-2009, 05:07 PM
CM Punk is one for the books. As in the WWE Encyclopedia.

The Lockport native is included in the recently published work and was on hand last week at Borders in Oak Park to autograph the book for an adoring audience of all ages.

What's it like to be in an encyclopedia?

''From what I've seen of it, it's pretty cool,'' Punk told Quick Hits.

What can we look forward to from you at WrestleMania XXV on April 5 in Houston?

''Probably a lot of spectacular, horrible-looking, painful things,'' he said. ''Hopefully another win in the ladder match. I won last year. This is my third consecutive one. Came close the first year, won the second year, so hopefully it will repeat this year.''

Dwayne Johnson (who wrestled as ''The Rock'') is in a movie; WWE's John Cena has one coming out. When can we look forward to seeing you on the big screen?

''Not any time soon, probably,'' Punk said. ''I don't think I'm a Hollywood property. If it's offered, I won't shoot it down. I'll consider it, but it's not something I'm actively pursuing. I'm a wrestling guy.''

Well, at one point ''The Rock'' probably was a wrestling guy, too.

''Not like I'm a wrestling guy,'' he said. ''I'm a wrestler. But if I get offered a good romantic comedy, you never know. I might jump at it.''

Anybody you'd like to co-star with?

''I'm sure there's a lot of people,'' Punk said. ''I'm a big fan of Famke Janssen. She's all right.''

Have your people get in touch with her people.

''I'll get right on that,'' he said with a hint of sarcasm.

Quick Hits friend Nate, a 7-year-old wrestling expert who also attended the event, asked about Punk's finishing hold, GTS -- Go To Sleep.

''How did I think of it? I actually didn't think of it,'' he said. ''One of my favorite wrestlers did it. His name's Kenzo. He's a Japanese guy. I kind of just borrowed it from him. It's OK. We're buddies.''

Twenty-five years ago, did you envision being part of WrestleMania?

''Twenty-five years ago, I was 5,'' Punk said. ''I didn't really envision much. Cookies or something like that. It's cool to be a part of it.''

Chicago-Sun Times