View Full Version : Notes From Tommy Dreamer & Paul Heyman Book Signing

07-01-2006, 09:48 AM
Marcus Perkal sent the following:

I just got back from the Heyman & Dreamer signing in New Jersey. It was awesome. It took over an hour and a half because they were so friendly. They took pictures with every person and signed whatever they were asked to. Dreamer was putting people on his shoulders and in headlocks for photos. I got a picture of Heyman and Dreamer holding chairs, both getting ready to give me chairshots to the head. They were very friendly and personable. I had brought 10 or 15 pictures that I had taken at both One Night Stand shows. Heyman was getting ready to sign them all, until I told him that they were for him to keep. He seemed really greatful as he and Tommy looked through them all laughing. Heyman put them in his suit pocket, shook my hand, thanked me, and then the two of them signed two books and 4 One Night Stand chairs for me. It was a great time, and it was well worth the wait.

Also, wwe.com had cameras there, and the ECW microphone and they were interviewing fans for their site, and possibly for next Tuesday’s show.