View Full Version : Five Tips for Weight Loss: Lose Weight Fast and Easy!

Black Widow
03-27-2009, 04:03 PM
Losing weight is a battle. We all know it. Diets are easy to start out on, but eventually they get old and you want to eat the food you like. So how can you lose weight? Well, here are five little tips you can use throughout your day that will help you burn calories without you even

1. Drink ice cold water: The water you drink should always be ice cold. Because it is so cold, your body will have to burn extra calories to warm it up to a temperature it can use. By drinking ice cold water, you can passively increase the calories you are burning throughout the day.

2. Ditch the Soda: Although it may taste good, just one can of soda a day can raise your chances of getting diabetes by about 60% according to a new study. Diabetes is quickly becoming a global epidemic because of the harmful effects of soda. By skipping the soda, you will cut extra calories and sugars out of your diet that your body doesn't really need. Plus, thirty years down the road, you won't need insulin injections. Not a bad deal, right?

3. Walk instead of drive: This is a no-brainer. Most Americans drive way more than needed, even for simple five minute trips. Starting your car for a small trip may actually take more gasoline than a thirty mile highway cruise because of the extra fuel needed for ignition. So if you are looking to lose weight and save money on gas, put down the car keys. If you really can't stand the extra time it takes you to walk somewhere, grab a bike and use that instead. Both are incredibly healthy methods of travel, and can actually improve your serotonin levels in your brain, which will make you feel better.

4. Keep active even if you have a sedentary job: Move your arms and legs in little ways to stretch them if you have to sit for long periods of time at your job. By stretching, you will actually increase blood flow to those parts of your body. By always staying active, you will also burn extra calories.

5. Turn off the Television!: Watching TV is a dead activity. There is literally nothing for your body to gain by watching TV. By sitting for as little as one hour a day, you limit your body's activity and metabolism, slowing down your ability to burn calories.

Television is the enemy. Stay active instead. You'll hardly notice the extra activities, but the weight will disappear.


Kenpachi Zaraki
03-27-2009, 06:32 PM
That doesn't lead to fast weight loss :shifty:

03-27-2009, 07:23 PM
im a fitness expert but i didnt know about the cold water thing thanks ryan

03-27-2009, 08:39 PM
I could do 1,2, and 4 but 5 is impossible for me

03-28-2009, 08:06 AM
thanks for the post Ryan