View Full Version : Sad Dreams: Tommy Dreamer's Latest Blog

03-29-2009, 03:18 AM
Sorry it has been a while it is hard to come up with stuff to say every week. I have been on a ten day scale of posting my blogs and I will stick to it. I just have so many hours in the day and I usually do this when I am at home and my twinnovators(twin daughters) keep much of that time to themselves. So I will talk about something that is very special to me and everyone reading this Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania is important to me for many reasons.

1.The History.

Growing up in the early eighties being a wrestling fan I found myself to a small group of people, maybe even considered an outsider. I took alot of teasing from other kids for loving wrestling so much, but once the first Wrestlemania came to MSG everyone became a fan.Everyone rightfully so, jumped on the bandwagon. Those haters all became fans of my favorite sport. Years later everyone had their tshirts on but I knew in my heart that the wrestlers knew I was a die hard fan. Going to as many shows as I possibly could. I was at the first Wrestlemania and I still remember the excitement of going up the escalator and feeling the atmosphere, when I walked into the main hall, I knew I was part of something special and I was I was a part of history.

2.The return of Fan Axcess

This is the greatest way as a fan to meet some of their favorites. This is also a way as a WWE Superstar to meet their fans. I love doing autographs and just mingling with the people who all share a common joy as I still do, wrestling. This years fan Axcess has so much fan interaction, from doing Superstars entrances, autograph sessions, calling matches you name it they got it. If I was you I would buy the new WWE Encyclopdeia and have that ready for all to sign. The book has every person to ever wrestle in WWE, it is a great book for any fan to have. They also left out Beulah, Francine and most importantley the MIZ!!! Insert all your jokes here maybe you are not as great as you think you are Miz.

3.The Hall of Fame

This year is most important to me as a person because the three most influencial people in my career will all be in one place at one time, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair and Terry Funk. Not to mention how much money I spent wanting to see Jimmy Snuka, Roddy Piper and Ricky Steamboat back in the day. To me I am gonna have a camera and will be taking my picture with all of these men because without them paving the way for me, I wouldn't have had the career I am having. A personal note I am so happy that the Fink, Howard Finkel is being inducted as well. I was a little unhappy about his HOF video because I felt it was a little to comedy, for such a prestigious event( even though Howard telling Trish he has a weiner is one of my favorite Raw moments). Howard has been at every Wrestlemania and was the ring announcer that set the largest attenedance record of all time Wrestlemania three. (Take that Michael Buffer). Many wrestlers have gone on record saying that they knew they made it in the business when the heard Howard announce their names. Congrats Fink it is an awesome acheivement.

4. I am a fan

Yes I am beyond disapointed I am not having a match. Actually I read my New Years Resolutions blog and I have failed on 2 out of 3 of them. Being in the Royal Rumble and having a match at Wrestlemania. The first year don't say lose weight, now look I have dropped 28 pounds since, ohh the irony, wow did I get sidetracked. Last year I watched Ric Flair's last match vs HBK in the crowd. I will do the same for the Undertaker vs HBK match, this year, that to me is the most intriguing matchup. Basically what I am saying is that even after 25 years I am still a fan and gonna be a part of history again.

Thanks for reading

Tommy Dreamer

Source: WWE.COM

03-29-2009, 06:48 AM
wow thanks for the post Eel