View Full Version : WrestleMania Video Packages That Haven't Been Released - Details

03-29-2009, 08:30 PM
Comcast on Demand is currently airing a WWE special entitled WrestleMania: 25 Stories, which consists of the year-by-year WrestleMania video packages the company has been running on television in recent weeks. It's interesting to note that the special features two video packages that have yet to air on WWE programming — WrestleManias IV & V at the Trump Plaza as well as WrestleMania X featuring Bret Hart. The video package on WrestleManias IV & V centers around "Macho Man" Randy Savage's title win, the break-up of "The Mega Powers," and subsequent title loss. For some reason, WWE has yet to air the Randy Savage-themed package on television, so it should be interesting to see whether WWE airs it or not in the final week building towards WrestleMania.

Source: WNZ

03-30-2009, 02:00 AM
I thought I saw a package about the breaking up of the super-powers and the resulting fight at Wrestlemania, near the beginning of their push for the event...but I could be wrong.

03-30-2009, 06:53 AM
iam not sure if i saw that thanks for the post Eel