View Full Version : Funny Flair Story & Update On Honky Hate

04-01-2009, 12:22 AM
Bill Brackett sent along the following to WZ:

I was at a wrestling event for the BTW in Webster, MA. and I just wanted to pass along some info for you guys. First of which is that whatever rift there was with "Rythem and Blues" members The Honky Tonk Man and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine seems to be all smoothed out. They were sitting at a table side-by-side signing autographs and seemed pretty friendly with each other. I got to talk to them both and I have to say that they were very nice guys.

They both wrestled, HTM took on a guy who was making his come back to BTW and he put the guy over. Also, he was supposed to be a heel but was obviously over with the crowd. Valentine tagged with Reid Flair (Ric Flair's son), they won with a double figure-four on the team they were facing. Also, Justin Credible won there world title.

Now for the main reasion that I went. Ric Flair was there. He signed autographs for those who bought the ticket for them. He signed my copy of his "Definitive Collection" DVD-set, as well as my sister's Women's title.

I got a chance to talk to him and asked if he would mind taking a picture with my little sister. Before he had a chance to anwser, the guy that was in charge of moving the line along said, "No he's all done doing pictures for the day." Which caused Flair to look at him and say "who the hell do you think you are to talk for me?" He then proceeded to not only take the picture but made him take it. I know it has been said before but Ric Flair is an absolute class act.