View Full Version : Tazz Mania offer snubbed by WWE

Black Widow
04-03-2009, 02:11 PM
FORMER Smackdown commentator Tazz offered to work on WrestleMania 25 before leaving the WWE - but was told not to bother by company bosses.

The 41-year-old’s contract expired at the end of last month and he chose not to renew it.

His voice will be heard for the last time on taped portions of today's Friday Night Smackdown, just two days before the huge event.

And a source close to negotiations told The Sun: “Tazz offered to work the show on Sunday, but was told they didn’t need him.

“It was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and VP of Television Production Kevin Dunn’s decision to finish him up before Mania.

“Their view is very firmly that once you’re leaving, you may as well leave.”

Dave Meltzer also has more information on Tazz’s walkout in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and how Vince McMahon shouting in his earpiece during shows was the final straw, the same way it was for Mick Foley.

He writes: “He left on his own terms, which Vince McMahon is not fond of.

“McMahon and Tazz had a meeting on March 30 in Dallas and they were amicable to each other.

“Publicly the word is that Tazz was burned out and wanted to take time off.

“Those close to the situation say the situation was almost a duplicate of Mick Foley, in that he reached his breaking point because he was the recipient of a tremendous amount of verbal abuse while announcing and, unlike some, it got to him to where he got tired of coming to work.

“The Vince McMahon style of producing doesn’t work for a lot of people, and in fact, it’s a negative.

“Matt Striker has been muffled and isn’t as good or as entertaining, and he’s Vince fair-haired boy.

“Michael Cole is a shell of what he was on Smackdown because of how badly brow-beaten he is every week.

“Jerry Lawler has a different attitude in that he completely leaves the job behind when the show is over and as long as he’s paid, almost nothing gets to him.

“Vince also doesn’t get on his case to anywhere near the degree of any other announcer.

“Jim Ross is a lifer in the business and has made his peace that he can live with the situation, plus it is beneficial for him with restaurants bearing the J.R. name to remain with a weekly television presence.

“But those in the company had predicted Tazz would be done shortly after WrestleMania before he gave notice or made the decision, so it didn’t come out of the blue.”

The WWE have still not firmly decided on a replacement for Mania.

JBL, Joey Styles and Matt Striker are all rumoured - as is the possibility of having an announce team of Michael Cole, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler do the entire show.

The Sun

04-03-2009, 02:32 PM
^ nova aint gon win

back to subject

wow im shocked i just can see tazz leaving

04-03-2009, 06:40 PM
damn too bad for wwe

04-04-2009, 06:43 AM
wow thats just sad, thanks for the post Ryan

04-04-2009, 08:49 AM
^ nova aint gon win

back to subject

wow im shocked i just can see tazz leaving

I hope Nova doesn't...I had Uconn and NC in my bracket for the finals...
Now I'll go back to the subject lol......I hope TO GOD they don't go with a 3 man team of Lawler, J.R. and King...for me, it should be like this...
Raw - J.R. and King
ECW - Grisham and JBL or Stryker
Smack - Cole and Stryker or JBL

04-04-2009, 07:40 PM
Since there is no ECW match, let Matt Striker call smackdown's with JR. They don't have to perminately move him up (although it'd be awesome if they did), but he's the best color commentator, put him with the best play-by-play!