View Full Version : Ecw Television Report

Black Widow
04-08-2009, 12:51 PM
We are live on tape from Austin, Texas and your announcers are Matt ‘Stone Cold’ Striker and Josh ‘Welcome Back’ Mathews.

Teddy Long is in the ring and he is trying to dance. Teddy says that as we move on the Road to Wrestlemania 26, there are some changes. We saw last night that Vickie Guerrero is no longer the General Manager of Smackdown. Teddy says that he is the General Manager of Smackdown. Teddy introduces the interim General Manager of ECW and it is Tiffany.

Tiffany says that it is a privilege . . .

She is interrupted by Jack Swagger’s music and he comes to the ring. Jack congratulates Tiffany and he knows that it is her first day on the job, but she needs to learn that there is a set of rules when dealing with everyone else and different rules to deal with Jack Swagger, the ECW Champion. Tiffany says that the only rule she will abide by is to give the WWE Universe what they want. Tiffany says that she has a few announcements that relate to Jack. The draft is on Monday and there is a chance that he might not be on ECW. Regardless of what happens, Jack will need to worry about his opponent at Backlash. Tiffany announces that Mark Henry, Finlay, Tommy Dreamer, and Christian will be involved in an Elimination Chase for the Title and the winner will face Jack. The first match will be a Fatal Four Way.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the John Cena media tour for 12 Rounds.

Match Number One: John Morrison, The Miz, and Tyson Kidd with Natalya versus Evan Bourne, Carlito and Primo
Miz and Carlito start things off and they lock up. Miz pushes Carlito but Carlito pushes back. Miz with punches but Carlito with a springboard back elbow to Miz and then he sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Primo is tagged in and Carlito with a drop toe hold and Primo with a diving head butt for a near fall. Primo punches Miz followed by an Irish whip. Carlito with a headstand in the corner and then he hits a head scissors. Primo with a leg sweep and a leg drop for a near fall. Carlito tags back in and Carlito hits a drop kick. Kidd tags in and Carlito with a power slam. Kidd with a corkscrew drop kick and then he punches and kicks Carlito. Morrison tags in and punches Carlito. Morrison chokes Carlito and then Miz does the same when Morrison talks to the referee. Morrison with a shining wizard for a near fall. Morrison with a cravate on Carlito. Morrison keeps Carlito from making the tag and he brings Carlito back into the corner. Miz tags in and they hit a double gut buster for a near fall. Kidd tags back in and he kicks and punches Carlito. Morrison tags back in and he kicks Carlito before returning to a reverse chin lock. Morrison tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Carlito escapes the hold. Bourne tags in and he hits a head scissors and a clothesline. Bourne with a back kick followed by a kick and a rana that sends him and Morrison over the top rope to the floor. Miz and Kidd try to attack Bourne on the floor, but Bourne avoids them and we go to commercial.

We are back and Morrison with a reverse chin lock but Bourne tries to fight out of the hold. Bourne tries for a rana but Morrison blocks it and sends Bourne into the turnbuckles. Miz tags in and Miz hits the running clothesline into the corner. Kidd tags in and gets a near fall. Kidd with a knee to the back as he tries to wear down Bourne. Kidd with a snap mare and kick to the back. Bourne and Kidd exchange punches and kicks. Miz tags back in and he hits a snap mare followed by knees to the back. Bourne tries to make it to his corner but Miz keeps him away from the Colons. Miz with a double underhook camel clutch. Bourne is able to get a back slide for a near fall but Miz with a clothesline to keep Bourne from making the tag. Kidd tags back in and he kicks Bourne followed by a knee drop. Miz tags in and he hits a knee drop for a near fall. Miz sets for the catapult to Morrison but Bourne blocks it and hits a leg drop on Miz. Bourne crawls across the ring and Kidd is tagged in but Primo is able to tag in.

Primo with punches to Kidd but Primo with a back elbow and drop kick. Primo with a running knee into the corner followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Carlito throws Miz out of the ring but Morrison takes car of Carlito. Primo sends Morrison out of the ring. Kidd misses the springboard elbow drop and Primo hits a lungblower before tagging in Bourne to hit the Shooting Star Press for the three count.
Winners: Evan Bourne, Primo, and Carlito

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Wrestlemania fun facts.

We go to footage from the Hall of Fame Ceremony.

We see the front page of the Houston Chronicle and a photo from the ‘REAL’ Main Event. Time for the Wrestlemania video package.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Mark Henry with Tony Atlas versus Tommy Dreamer versus Christian versus Fit Finlay with Hornswoggle in an Elimination Chase Fatal Four Way Match
Christian and Dreamer lock up while Henry and Finlay do the same. Henry sends Finlay to the mat and then he does the same to Dreamer. Henry catches Christian but Christian escapes. Everyone tries to knock Henry down but they all fail. Henry with a boot to Finlay. Dreamer comes off the turnbuckles and he bounces off Henry. Henry tosses Christian to the mat and we go to commercial.

We are back and Henry is standing on Dreamer’s chest. Christian punches Henry and Finlay joins in and they try for a double suplex and Dreamer joins in to make it a triple. Dreamer, Finlay, and Christian with stereo baseball slides. Henry is sent into the ring steps. Dreamer hits Finlay and then they return to the ring. Finlay with a double thrust to the throat. Finlay with a fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Dreamer with an elbow to Finlay and then he puts Finlay on the top turnbuckle. Dreamer tries for a superplex but Finlay stops him. Christian punches Finlay and he tries for the superplex but Dreamer stops him and gets him on the shoulders. Christian with a victory roll for a near fall. Finlay with the fireman’s carry slam to Christian for a near fall. Finlay with a European uppercut for a near fall. Christian with punches to Finlay. Christian with a crucifix but Finlay kicks out. Christian is sent out of the ring to the floor. Dreamer with an elbow drop to Finlay and then he puts Finlay in the Tree of Woe. Dreamer with the baseball slide into the corner. Henry with a clothesline to Dreamer and Christian hits a missile drop kick on Henry for a near fall. Henry kicks out and it sends Christian onto Dreamer for a near fall. Christian sets up for the Unprettier but Dreamer escapes the hold. Dreamer avoids a charge by Henry, but Christian is not so lucky. Hornswoggle helps Finlay get out of the corner and then while the referee is distracted by Tony Atlas, Finlay hits Henry with the shillelagh and gets the three count.
Winners: Christian, Tommy Dreamer, and Finlay


04-08-2009, 09:55 PM
very descriptive