View Full Version : Batista: Wolverine Features & More

04-09-2009, 03:05 AM
An upcoming issue of WWE Magazine features Batista on the cover doing a takeoff of Marvel Comics' Wolverine character undergoing his Weapon X experiment. This is a takeoff of the upcoming Wolverine movie, which hits theaters in May.

Additionally, reader Koz Million sent in the following:

"WWE Superstar Batista's martial arts trainer is Marrese Crump. He is a well-known martial artist who recently launched a social network for martial artists at CrumpDojo.com where special news about Batista and his training might be released first.

It is rumored that Dave Batista will be on the cover of an upcoming issue of WWE Magazine when he makes his comeback from injury. The concept is entitled "I've Created A Monster" and will have Batista in a laboratory inside a "Wolverine-like" water tank with monitoring pads on his body, as well as trainer Marrese Crump standing by and monitoring his progress with a clipboard. This seems fitting for the training Batista has received from Crump that has aided him after his last injury and successful comeback. It is also rumored that when Batista makes his comeback, he will be on the road to uniting the Heavyweight and WWE Championship Titles next year at Wrestlemania. Marrese Crump is rumored to possibly sign with the WWE as well and accompany Batista to the Ring as his manager."

Source: WA

04-09-2009, 06:54 AM
thanks for the post Eel

04-09-2009, 11:43 AM
I guess you could compare the two.

04-09-2009, 03:58 PM
yeah almost