View Full Version : Infamous Preorders Earn Exclusive In-Game Power

04-10-2009, 10:05 AM

Folks who preorder Sony's Infamous over at Gamestop will find a pleasant surprise awaiting them when it's time to pick up their copy of the game, and no, it's not a cloth map or a ratty t-shirt; those of us who put down a deposit for Infamous will receive a Gamestop-exclusive promo code to imbue the game's main character with the Gigawatt Blades power.

This ability (pictured above) grants players a pair of giant, electrically-charged blades that extend from the wrists, allowing for instant-kill slashing attacks. While that's arguably not very sporting, it also happens to sound completely awesome.

Preorder incentives like these are pretty commonplace these days, but when so much of your play-style in Infamous could depend on which powers are at your disposal, is it really a good idea to restrict those powers based on where the player bought the game? How do you feel about preorder bonuses that potentially affect gameplay?


04-10-2009, 10:27 AM
thanks alot, tom.